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Posted by: laaba
Date:1/27/2003 3:58:00 AM

can anyone tell me how i can convert a wav. to MP3 file with SF 6.0 i don´t see the mp3 file format in the drop down menu nor can open a mp3 file

Subject:RE: MP3
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:1/27/2003 11:58:57 AM

Strange. It should be there, even if you haven't registered the plug-in yet. Can you open an MP3 file at all?


Subject:RE: MP3
Reply by: laaba
Date:1/27/2003 2:34:13 PM

hi Iacobus,
no not at all, it says "this is not supported file format" and i can see the mp3 plugin under shared files.I tried reinstalling wothout success.

Subject:RE: MP3
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:1/27/2003 5:57:07 PM

Hi again Louie,

Try completely uninstalling Sound Forge and then do a reinstall. (If you have any other SoFo product, uninstall that as well and then reinstall Sound Forge.) Be sure to delete any folder residue before reinstalling. (By default, it's "C:\Program Files\Sonic Foundry Setup\" and "C:\Program Files\Sonic Foundry\".)


Subject:RE: MP3
Reply by: Geoff_Wood
Date:1/27/2003 7:28:06 PM


Which drop-down menu ? MP3 encoding should be in the Save As menu dialogue drop-down, as opposed to a Tools (etc) menu.


Subject:RE: MP3
Reply by: laaba
Date:1/28/2003 12:21:17 PM

Hi geoff,
I mean the drop down menu when you first open a file.There are many of them wav.av.mpeg etc. but no mp3.When i try to open it i choose all files and i can see the mp3 above but when i try to open it it gives me the error.
The "save as" doesn´t show an MP3 format to save either.

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