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Subject:Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Posted by: Rizzo
Date:1/23/2003 1:00:25 PM

I am having some severe issues since updating SoundForge to 6.0d (these issues did not occur for me in 6.0b).

Sometimes, when performing a Save As, I get the following error:
"An error occurred during the current operation.
An error occurred writing the file. Make sure you have write access to the file/folder and that there is enough free space."
- I have write access - it is my local hard drive; I have enough space - 35GB.
- It seems to actually save the file okay, but this makes me very nervous.

Sometimes when performing an Undo, the undo fails:
"An Undo error has occurred. Check your Temporary Storage disk space to see if it may be full."
- I have plenty of disk space. I'm not sure where Sound Forge's Temporary Storage settings may be, but my Windows settings are plentiful, and I wasn't undo-ing much.

Doing a Save As:
Sometimes, if I try to overwrite an existing file of the same name, it will give me the Save As error mentioned above, and then load the existing file off the hard drive over the sound I am editing in Sound Forge, and I lose the data!

I deleted a file of the same name as a file I was editing in Sound Forge and when I went back into Sound Forge my sound was corrupted!

Anyone else having these issues? Any ideas for resolving them?

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: porkjelly
Date:1/23/2003 1:21:06 PM

I am experiencing the first problem you named. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled SF, using the latest patches both times. Problem still exists. Also, certain programs won't execute as long as SF is open: Windows Explorer, Musicmatch, Easy CD Creator. I can wait 10 seconds or 100 seconds and nothing happens, but as soon as I close SF, those programs will suddenly appear.

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:1/23/2003 1:59:44 PM

What version of windows are you using? This sounds like it might be a problem with the Windows Virtual Memory swap file.

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: Sonic
Date:1/23/2003 3:47:59 PM

a) The Save As error is a peak file access problem and benign. It will be fixed in the next update. The file will still be properly saved.

b) Check your temp location (as set in Options->Prefs->Perform). Other than that, can you narrow it down to a specific operation where this happens?

c) Not sure what you mean by "lose the data" here. If you choose to re-open the file you just Save As'ed over in the current window, then, yes, you'll lose your edit history. Might want to make sure Options->Prefs->File->"Auto reopen file after save" is unchecked.

d) Sound Forge 6.0 is non-destructive. If you delete a file still in use by Sound Forge, then you're going to have problems, though it should notify you and just insert silence as necessary.


Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: porkjelly
Date:1/23/2003 9:52:29 PM

I am using Windows XP Professional with the latest patches & updates. My hard drive is partitioned and I keep my swap file on the second partition. I have 512 mb of RAM and my swap file is set to and fixed at 768 mb. It is not an intermittent problem...happens everytime and only with these three programs and only when SF6 is open. Sometimes, I'll forget that I executed one of programs, continue working in SF and then close it later (sometimes much later) only to see that program suddenly open.

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: Rizzo
Date:1/24/2003 4:29:32 PM

a) Yes, this case isn't too bad. It's when the "c)" case happens that it's bad.

b) The temp location seems fine - I have over 30GB free on the disk. I'll try to get a repeatable case here.

c) This is the really bad one. I will be editing a file and then choose Save As to overwrite an existing file with the new sound. I will get the error mentioned in "a)" and when I clear the error dialog SoundForge will have loaded the existing sound off of the hard drive over the top of the sound I was editing, and I will have lost the new sound.

d) I was deleting a sound off the hard drive to try and prevent the case "c)" above. When I return to SoundForge, sometimes the data is just cleared and sometimes it is cropped and volume adjusted or something. In any case, it seems bad that messing with a file would affect the data I'm currently editing. Or if it did, it would at least be nice if I could undo to get my sound data back.

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: Geoff_Wood
Date:1/24/2003 4:37:07 PM

I get the 'Save As' bug, which occurs when the peak file generation is satrted. The data is fine though ...

an error where SF says that I do not have permission to save the file wherever.

Also when a peak has been edited down (drawn, or VOL attenuated), when i scroll back the zoom the peak re-appears in the *displayed* waveform, but the audio remains OK.
Have reported all to tech support.


Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: Sonic
Date:1/24/2003 4:44:57 PM

On (b), if I were to guess at a repro, I'd suspect something with marker or region operations that don't actually grind data.

On (c), Yikes! The more steps you can give me on reproducing this, the better.

On (d), if you check the "lock files" pref, that should keep you from accidentally deleting something still in use.

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: Sonic
Date:1/24/2003 4:47:25 PM

The stray peak thing should be fixed in the next update, as well.

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: Rizzo
Date:1/24/2003 5:38:43 PM

Okay, here is a case I just had happen, though I don't think this is what happened to me before.

I opened a sound file. I made a copy of it in SoundForge and make edits to the copy. For the copy, I set the Title to the same name as the original, the thinking being that I want to modify it and save over the original. I then choose Save As for the copy and save it. It says it saves, but then it loads the original data over my new edits.

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: Ben 
Date:1/25/2003 11:35:46 AM

I'm also experiencing the above bugs. Additionally, does anyone else get the problem of the save shortcut - CTRL+S - often not working? Sometimes is does, sometimes it doesn't. Very annoying. Do you know about this Sonic?


Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: Kjellster
Date:1/25/2003 12:46:13 PM

I am having the same problem saving my files, but I have noticed that it only seems to be .avi files.
I start in VV3, then open a clip in Audio Editor, make my changes, then if I save, or save as some other name I get the same "out of space" error as stated above. But If I save the file as a pca, or wmv or what not it will save the file.

Thanx for the help. Kjellster

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: R0cky
Date:1/27/2003 5:23:29 PM

This is NOT benign. The sound data may be ok, but your markers and regions are moved or even deleted.

I have seen all markers get deleted when hitting the save icon, saving as a *.w64 file. For *.wav files they get moved.

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: Sonic
Date:1/28/2003 10:20:42 AM

Is it possible that a docked window has focus? Or does this happen even when the data window has focus (i.e. the position caret is flashing, wheel zooms, etc.).


Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: Sonic
Date:1/28/2003 10:24:28 AM

More details please. What is the opened file type and format? Any edits? What is checked in the Save As dialog when it comes up? Are you saving to a different sample rate? etc.

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: Sonic
Date:1/28/2003 11:07:47 AM

OK, I think I have a simple repro and some workarounds, but let's see if it works for you:

1) open a file (.wav)
2) select all and drag to the workspace, making a new window
3) Process->Mute one channel of the new file
4) select Save As, select the original file, bam, old data gets loaded

Yikes! I'll look into a fix for this right away. In the mean time, there are a couple things you can do:

a) The easiest workaround is to save to a new file name or simply not duplicate the file you are working on. Since Sound Forge 6.0 is non-destructive until you save, there's no additional safety in doing this. If you need to continuously compare your changes to the original, first make a copy and save it as "old_name_orig.wav" or something just to avoid a name conflict. Then explicitly open both files but leave the renamed one alone.

b) If that is particularly disruptive, hold down Ctrl+Shift while selecting Options->Preferences, then select the internal tab and type "enable quick" into the search box. When you see the "Enable quick, natively supported file save", set it's value to FALSE, then click Apply and OK. This will slow down saves in certain cases, so be sure to turn it back on once the next update is released.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: R0cky
Date:1/28/2003 2:54:46 PM

Open as *.wav. I work with 48KHz sample rate 24 bit stereo data, though i've seen the problem w/mono data too.

Save as same format (48/24 wav)and the markers move. I got tired of this and tried saving as w64. Worked fine for a while but now I'll be editing a 48KHz 24 bit w64 file and I'll hit the save icon (not save as) and all of the regions will vanish. the sound data is fine.

What is checked is: save metadata, fast video resize. Not checked is stretch video. There is no video in my file, sound only. These are recordings I made in Sound Forge.

I have also tried batch convertor to batch 48/24 to 44.1/16 for burning later and i also get the problem with the markers moving. When you open the converted file in SF you get an error message that there was an illegal marker and it was fixed. This error message also happens when you open a *.wav file you saved in SF and got the save as error described earlier in this thread.

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: Ben 
Date:1/28/2003 3:51:19 PM

Sonic - trying to narrow down the CTRL+S problem, it seems to happen when I've got the plug-in chainer open but hidden (using F11). The 'save plug-in package' dialog appears. But, sometimes I'll hit CTRL+S and nothing will happen at all. Surely the file save shortcut should work whenever, whatever the focus? That'd be the most useful way of operating for me, anyway.


Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: chuckfresh
Date:1/29/2003 5:35:36 PM

I've got some really strange stuff happening here... using an Edirol UA-700 external USB sound card with Win XP SP1 and SF6.0d.

1. Strange clicks and pops randomly appearing in some recordings. Using a limiter and compressor to avoid this on the hardware end, so I don't know where this crap is coming from!

2. Whenever I process a file over 4 minutes with any effect (wave hammer, normalize, etc.), the last few minutes become all garbled with dropouts and nasty clicks. I've found if I cut the file to under 4 minutes before processing (and process the remaining file separately), this does not occur.

Any ideas out there???

Subject:RE: Severe bugs in SoundForge 6.0d
Reply by: norbertofh
Date:1/31/2003 2:24:07 PM

I also had a problem with SoundForge 6 a few days ago. No matter what I did, SoundForge always saved my file with the name SF0000.WAV, no matter what name I introduced on the Save As box. A complete deinstalation and reinstalation solved the problem (so far).

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