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Subject:Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Posted by: David_Kuznicki
Date:1/22/2003 4:57:28 PM

I was going to re-up my subscription when the time came, too (at the end of Feb.). Is it true that I'll get 'screwed out of two months' (as a SoFo sales rep told me... a direct quote, by the way), or would I have any other options, such as picking out two other libraries, or what not?

Jeez SoFo, I'm TRYING to give you my money here! :( And it's a real shame-- I LOVED getting loops every month. It's a shame that it's coming to an end.


Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: billybk
Date:1/22/2003 5:08:59 PM

Where did you see/hear that the loop subscription is ending? If so, I am sure SOFO would continue to honor existing subs, or at least give you credit towards purchasing existing loop libraries. I still have about (5) months left on my sub, so this would affect me too.

Billy Buck

Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: David_Kuznicki
Date:1/22/2003 5:16:05 PM

Where did you see/hear that the loop subscription is ending? If so, I am sure SOFO would continue to honor existing subs, or at least give you credit towards purchasing existing loop libraries. I still have about (5) months left on my sub, so this would affect me too.

It came in SoFo's monthly e-mailing, in which they announce their new loops, etc. If I can find one in another of my e-mail accounts (I got it at my work account, which I can't access at home), I'll copy it to the forum.


Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: David_Kuznicki
Date:1/22/2003 5:23:06 PM

Direct from SoFo--

Last Chance for the Loop Subscription Series!
All good things must come to an end…and the Loop Subscription Series
is no exception. January 2003 is the last month to sign up for
incredible savings on the latest titles, shipped straight to your studio.
That's twelve libraries for only $299.99 - a savings of over 55%!

This month's exclusive subscriber library: Ma Ja Le', Chromosphere:
Electronic Imprints and Astrobeats

More information at:

Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:1/22/2003 6:17:11 PM

Wait. It says:

"January 2003 is the last month to sign up for
incredible savings on the latest titles, shipped straight to your studio.
That's twelve libraries for only $299.99..."

I'm guessing this means that nobody will be able to sign up for a new subscription after the end of this month. Present subscribers, I'm assuming, will get to finish their present subscription but won't be able to renew unless they act this month?


Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: Spirit
Date:1/22/2003 6:56:34 PM

In the current environment I wouldn't be surprised at all if they're ending, but in *normal* circumstances I'd interpret this to mean that the "special deal" opportunity was ending, not the actual loop service.

Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: David_Kuznicki
Date:1/22/2003 7:24:47 PM

What's ending, according to the SoFo rep, was the loop subscription service. Although I'm not pissed about it ending (well, OK, I AM upset about that!), what bothers me is that IF I renew now, I'll only get discs through the end of the year. Now, being as my subcription is up after Feb., that means that I'd get 10 discs, not the full year. The end of the year is the cut off & that's IT.

What I'd really, really like is to re-up now (as the option won't be available in March), and get to pick two other discs, or something in that vein. I realize that I'm nitpicking... but still. I was hoping to get the full tweleve, you know?


Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: msorrels
Date:1/23/2003 12:25:24 AM

My sub is up with the Feb issue, but I already renewed it back in the summer when they were running those special deals(cheap price + 2 extra libraries of your choice). If they continue the series through Jan 2004 I'll get one less library than I paid for. If they stop in Dec then I'll lose out on 2. Of course that assumes they aren't going out of business before then(which to be honest is what I was thinking would happen). I'd love to hear from someone at SF on how they plan to handle this.

When I first heard about the money problems at SF my first thought was "Guess I won't be getting all my subscription discs". Oh well. Maybe someone else will do a sub service(Peace Love Productions prices are very close to the sub-price and the quality is very, very good. But the width of the selections is sort of narrow). I really enjoyed the fact that every month I'd get something different and new. Sure a few of them have been horrible(mostly anything in construction kit form), but it was something cool to look forward to.

Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: Jacose
Date:1/23/2003 2:48:34 AM


the email clearly states that the SIGN UP is ending.

you are obviously lying, or extrapolating about a sofo employee telling you youll be 'screwed out' of 2 months of loop CDs; likely you are overemotional due to the amazingly earth shattering nature of this email.

no company in there right mind, even sofo (had to plug you one) would be caught DEAD doing something like this.

now calm down, and wait for your next 2 loop CDs.

Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:1/23/2003 1:29:55 PM


We are ending the loop subscription program, and the last chance to sign up is in the month of January. We will be completely fulfilling all current loop subscriptions, as well renewals for current subscriptions which ended before January. However, if your loop subscrption ends after January, you cannot renew because we aren't starting any new subscriptions or renewals after the end of this month. Sorry for any confusion. You've been with us for a long time, we're not out to screw anybody :-)


Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: Jdodge
Date:1/23/2003 1:47:10 PM

Ted hit the nail on the head; we aren't pulling the rug out on anybody. In fact, there is a great deal available for anyone that wants it right now. If you place an order online for five LFAs or more, your price per LFA drops to ~$39. That's a significant savings, and you get to pick whatever you want. This is a constant, ongoing discount when ordering at

Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: David_Kuznicki
Date:1/23/2003 4:17:18 PM

Ted hit the nail on the head; we aren't pulling the rug out on anybody. In fact, there is a great deal available for anyone that wants it right now. If you place an order online for five LFAs or more, your price per LFA drops to ~$39. That's a significant savings, and you get to pick whatever you want. This is a constant, ongoing discount when ordering at

Thanks for the response! I guess that I'm just faced with a situation that I'm not 100% thrilled with:
On one hand, I can renew new & get new loops through the rest of the year... but then that's it. I'll get ten libraries.
Or I can NOT renew... but them I'm deprived of them arriving on my doorstep.

I guess that you have to understand my position (and Jacose, I hope that this clears things up a little)-- I'm a little hesitant to spend the $300 for less than the full 12 months, especially with the Vegas upgrade (which I CANNOT wait for, thank you very much :) coming so fast on its heels. Between the two, it will probably run in the neighborhood of $500-ish (give or take $50- $100 in either direction) for the two... which isn't necessarily pocket change to a college student.

Either way, however, you'd better believe that I'm going to miss the Loop Subscription Series when it's over!


Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:1/23/2003 4:30:41 PM

David -

To clarify, we won't be accepting any renewals for subscriptions that end after January. We aren't going to take your $300 for fewer than twelve libraries.


Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: msorrels
Date:1/23/2003 5:05:31 PM

Ted, what about people that renewed their subs early(last year) that had subs ending after January. I'm fairly sure my subscription is supposed to be through Feb 2004. Will January 2004 be the last sub loop?

Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: analoguekid
Date:1/23/2003 6:12:00 PM

from Ted's post above:
We are ending the loop subscription program, and the last chance to sign up is in the month of January. We will be completely fulfilling all current loop subscriptions...


Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: SPP
Date:1/23/2003 6:18:37 PM


Folks, Sonic Foundry is NOT going to take anyone’s money and then not fulfill their end of the bargain. It seems pretty clear to me. If you enter a contract, and that's what you're doing with Sonic Foundry, to give you 12 libraries for $299.99 or whatever the price is, they are going to honor it. I would say to those of you who expire after the cutoff date, you'd better renew and risk a couple of duplicates. Maybe with the duplicates you could "exchange early Christmas gifts" (wink wink) with other loop users as to not violate any laws. If you don't expire for several months, well then, that's the breaks and it was a hell of a deal while it lasted. I'm not a subscriber, but I'm seriously thinking about jumping on the last minute band wagon before it's all gone. EVEN IF, SF drops Acid (no pun intended) and all the loop libraries, I’m sure that they already have all their 2003 releases packaged and ready to ship. Then if they DO dump all the audio stuff, they’ll at least be able to recap some of the money they spent to record all the libraries. I would say the subscription service is a pretty safe bet. That’s my opinion, I could be wrong. Sorry if I hurt anyone’s feelings.


Subject:David ----
Reply by: Jacose
Date:1/23/2003 9:27:00 PM

I hope my post wasnt tooo harsh. I am sick of people on here blowing things out of proportion (Im not saying YOU were, im saying when some one asks a question they seem to BLOW UP AT them) and I hope I didnt do the same as they do, to you.

your question was valid, it just seemed obvious to me what the answer was.

rock on man!

Subject:RE: Loop Subcription Series ending? WTF?
Reply by: michelp
Date:1/24/2003 5:30:31 AM

Unfortunately that's in an "ideal" world, in the "real" world, companies do not think or work like that.

"When there is smoke, there is usualy fire."

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