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Subject:ACID & WinXP SP1
Posted by: michelp
Date:1/21/2003 6:51:05 PM

Is running ACID PRO 4.0b still a problem in WinXP ?

The program crashes constantly; it did not behave this way before !?!

Subject:RE: ACID & WinXP SP1
Reply by: suprox
Date:1/21/2003 11:54:41 PM

Im running XP sp1 with 4.0b right now and No crash.
Plus what do you mean by "crash" .

Subject:RE: ACID & WinXP SP1
Reply by: michelp
Date:1/22/2003 3:38:36 AM

Of course, "Crash" means a "Report problem to Microsoft..." dialog.

Places where this happens is when I try to set audio properties or access Dx/VST filters. Also, 2 out of 5 loops won't play in the browser (Error accessing file... make sure the folder is not corrupt...), this happens in any folder I select. But everything is fine in WinAmp.

I intended to try to use ACID to record audio but I guess it's back to Sonar which has no glitch with my audio setup (M-Audio Audiophile 2496, SW1000XG, PIII-866MHz 512M, 2x40G hd).

Subject:RE: ACID & WinXP SP1
Reply by: krbrook
Date:1/22/2003 3:53:18 PM

Same here.
I'm running WinXPSP1 with a M-Audio Audiophile 2496 and if I make one wrong move-
Acid crashes everytime.
I got a new USB audio/midi device on the way that's not M-Audio. So I'm gonna
try it and go from there.
Also, one of the forum threads mentioned uninstalling Acid 3 first.

Subject:RE: ACID & WinXP SP1
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:1/22/2003 6:39:42 PM

I have XP SP1 with an Audiophile 2496 and an M-Audio USB Duo as well. Both work fine with 4.0b. Have any of you tried the version of the drivers? They're betas, but they fix an issue with ASIO in ACID 4.0. The officially supported's ASIO drivers do not work with ACID 4.0 and will cause it to crash.


Subject:RE: ACID & WinXP SP1
Reply by: michelp
Date:1/22/2003 6:52:31 PM

Now, that is GREAT news Iacobus !

I will go get those drivers right away...


Subject:RE: ACID & WinXP SP1
Reply by: krbrook
Date:1/23/2003 9:48:29 AM

Thanx Iacobus,
I'll check it out tonight. I remember downloading all ofthem but I'm can't
remember which driver version that I''m using.

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