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Subject:Timestretching ARG!
Posted by: DjXSoundz
Date:1/20/2003 9:12:40 AM

I am almost done working with a track, only the mastering is left. It's rap so it sounds A LOT better when artifically sped up! The rap sounds a hell of a lot better, but my problem is the instrumental, the beat gets really screwed with by the timestretch. Right now i am streching 120 to 124. I've tried it at all different speeds and things get mangled. Samples get left out, sounds like skipping. I'm obviously not even stretching that much.

What i did was mix it all down into one track. Then i started a new "project" with that one track. All i did was move the tempo slider up. Is there a better way to do this? I also have soundforge 6.0 studio, but i wouldnt think that would be any better.

dj xsoundz

Subject:RE: Timestretching ARG!
Reply by: ATP
Date:1/20/2003 1:31:54 PM

so if i understand it correctly, first you mix all your tracks to 1 single file, and you try to timestretch that? if so it makes sense your song sounds like crap. there are too many variations in the frequency of the audio file for ACID's time-stretching algorithm to process properly.

the easiest way to solve this would be to simply speed up the project file itself. if it's only 4 bpm higher none of your loops should suffer largely (unless the loops are stretched even at 120 bpm). then let your mc do his lyrics again over that speed, and voila, problem solved. :)

Subject:RE: Timestretching ARG!
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:1/20/2003 9:51:28 PM

In addition to what ATP said, try also playing around with the stretch markers under the track's properties. You can make a file sound much better when it stretches to another tempo just by readjusting or adding stretch markers to accent subdivisions in a beat.


Subject:RE: Timestretching ARG!
Reply by: DjXSoundz
Date:1/23/2003 6:38:11 PM

i have not beatmapped my loops. That could be one thing. Are you saying that speeding up the tempo durring mixdown would help?


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