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Subject:cassette not recording on SF
Posted by: boatsgf
Date:1/16/2003 12:58:52 PM

Here's what I've done: rca for cassette OUT, to LINE-IN on back of desktop(Sony RX755 Vaio, which came with SF deluxe(1.0)). Audio is set for LINE-IN, Vol is up, and mute box cleared, record and playback are set for SiS7012Wave, I've even switched them to MS Beatmapper to see if that was the problem. When I try to record, I start the cassette rolling, hit record button, time counter starts rolling, lights flashing on computer tower(indicating activity??). When song is over, timer shows the right amount of time for that song, but no playback,I close that record window, and use th big window beneath it, the one with the traveling pointer, start that...Nothing, pointer will move, but there is no audio sound graphing on the chart...HELP, I'm going crazy(I've read that sometimes Sony can play hell with SF??)

Subject:RE: cassette not recording on SF
Reply by: inspector
Date:1/16/2003 1:45:15 PM

It sounds like you need to set the record input level. Double click on the speaker Icon in the system tray - click options - properties - recording cnd check the line in box and any other inputs you might need. Uncheck any you don't need. click OK and you will have a input volume slider for the inputs selected. This is where the input volumes are controlled from.


Subject:RE: cassette not recording on SF
Reply by: boatsgf
Date:1/16/2003 3:16:52 PM

Steve, I've done that already, still no luck, thanks anyway..Greg

Subject:RE: cassette not recording on SF
Reply by: Geoff_Wood
Date:1/16/2003 6:59:02 PM

Sure your soundcard mixer applet has Line In selected, and not muted ? The correct input Device selected in the record dialogue ?

With the 'Monitor' box ticked in the record dialogue you should see the meters responding (not to mention hear the audio)...


Subject:RE: cassette not recording on SF
Reply by: boatsgf
Date:1/16/2003 8:26:44 PM

Geoff, The Line-In is selected and is not muted(nor are any other app's)You lost me on the correct input devices selected in the record dialogue? Yes the monitor box is checked off, I still don't hear anything? Let me know what you meant about the part where I said you lost me....Thanks Greg

Subject:RE: cassette not recording on SF
Reply by: boatsgf
Date:1/18/2003 1:12:07 PM

Problem solved!!This was like when the lawn mower won't start, 1st thing to do is to see if there's gas in it, before tearing the engine apart! My dog, who constantly lying at my feet when I'm on the computer had pulled on the RCA cord and the right side connector came loose(just enough) not to make contact with the RCA to RCA line adapter, which then goes to RCA to mini...stupid, stupid, stupid, anyway thanks to all who tried to help me out...Greg

Subject:RE: cassette not recording on SF
Reply by: Flybnj
Date:1/18/2003 5:53:29 PM

ROFL that is funny. Wish i could say that kinda stuff never happens to me LOL.

Subject:RE: cassette not recording on SF
Reply by: boatsgf
Date:1/18/2003 9:35:15 PM

To whoever suggested to some newbie a couple of months ago to visit, THANK YOU!...what a great site!, this guy Clive ought to write software manuals, If you're a newbie like me, it's worth the trip!..Greg

Subject:RE: cassette not recording on SF
Reply by: inspector
Date:1/20/2003 8:49:20 AM

I've worked with computer systems for years and still, I forget the most basic troubleshooting tips...Is it plugged in?, Is it powered on?, All cables connected?.

I believe that I posted that link you mentioned...glad it helped.


Subject:RE: cassette not recording on SF
Reply by: boatsgf
Date:1/20/2003 5:50:17 PM

Steve, thanks for posting Clive's link it's pretty informative, I e-mailed him and thanked him for having that web page, and he e-mailed back and said "getting positive feedback from people like me make it all worthwhile...Greg

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