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Subject:panning drop down menu
Posted by: fresnog
Date:1/8/2003 1:59:22 AM

I just saw this tonight.... When I go to a track and select the volume/pan/bus 'button' and I choose pan - the another drop down list shows up saying: add channels (0 db center)
balance (0 db center)
balance (-3 db Center)
balance (-6 db Center)
Constant Power

What do these options mean?

I have never seen this menu before.

Thanks in advance,

Subject:RE: panning drop down menu
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:1/8/2003 1:58:15 PM

This is new to ACID 4.0.

Straight from ACID's online help:

"Add Channels

This mode is most useful for panning stereo files. As you pan across the stereo field, the stereo image appears to move across the speakers. As you pan toward either side, the signal from the opposite channel is added to the destination channel until both channels are sent to the destination channel at full volume.

This mode uses a linear panning curve.

You can introduce clipping when channels are added. Monitor the meters in the Mixer and adjust the track volume accordingly.

(0 dB center)

(-3 dB center)

(-6 dB center)

This mode can help you adjust the relative signal levels of the channels in stereo source material. As you pan from the center to either side, the opposite channel begins at the specified center value and decays to -infinity. The signal in the side you are panning towards progresses from the specified center value to 0 dB.

For example, when you pan fully right, only the right channel is audible.

This panning mode uses a linear panning curve.

Constant Power

This mode is most useful for panning monaural source material. In this mode, sound will maintain its volume when you pan across channels.

If you pan a stereo file 100% R, only the right channel of your media file is played, and this channel is sent to both output channels. If you continue to pan to the left, the left channel is gradually added to the output, and the right channel is gradually faded out until only the left channel will be heard through both output channels when the slider is at 100% L."


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