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Subject:M-Audio, Windows XP & IRQ's
Posted by: swright
Date:1/5/2003 11:06:19 AM

Specs of my machine below:

Intel Celeron 2.0 gig (Emachines)
Windows XP Home
256 MB ram
no graphics card
40 gig & 80 gig Western Digital HD's (7200 rpm)
M-Audio Audiophile 2496 (currently on 5.00.31 beta drivers)
Samsung CD/RW
Acid 4.0b

Here's the problem: I first installed the audio card with the 5.00.27 drivers and had no problems with most windows apps, however could not get Acid 4.0a to run for very long. No sound after 3 or 4 wave files, then CRASH!

Tried the Delta 29x12_pro drivers & installed 4.0b. Got Acid 4.0b to work except that it would not record in 24 bit mode (immediate crash every time). No sound from any other windows app.

Made adjustments to Windows XP based on advice from (a really great site) - still no luck.

Loaded the beta drivers. Everything seemed to work fine - until I started using effects. Some effects cause Acid to hang & stumble (but not crash). Then I started noticing the crackle & pops when the number of tracks started getting up in the 16-17 range.

Discovered my card was on IRQ 22, which, according to M-Audio, can cause problems (the card supposedly needs an actual IRQ - one below 9, and can have problems on a virtual IRQ - one above 16). Turned off all USB ports and my serial port to free up IRQ's. It freed 'em up fine, but Mr. Gates' Windows XP thinks its smarter than me & refuses to switch the IRQ for the M-audio card.

ok - so now I try switching the card to a different PCI slot. Guess what! The slots are set at IRQ's 21, 22 and 23. Anyone know how I can change what IRQ's my PCI slots default to?

Maybe it's not the IRQ's, but the driver - I am going to try some older drivers tonight & see if that helps any.

Anyone have any ideas? Help, I'm running out of patience!

Thanks - Steve

Subject:RE: M-Audio, Windows XP & IRQ's
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:1/5/2003 11:40:45 AM

Usually, there should be a section in your BIOS that will allow you to force a particular IRQ to a specific slot. Still, I can't figure out why you would be having problems. I do know that I myself was having problems getting my Audiophile to use a specific IRQ until I forced it via the BIOS.

The weird thing? I formatted recently and had reset the BIOS, and the Audiophile took the IRQ I was trying to force it to take the first time around. (I'm using Windows XP on a system that does not have APCI capability (more than 16 IRQ's) but is ACPI compliant.)


Subject:RE: M-Audio, Windows XP & IRQ's
Reply by: L25
Date:1/5/2003 1:12:33 PM

From my experience with a win2000 dual athlon (ACPI disabled) machine RIP, I could not assign IRQ's to a PCI slot in the BIOS (Phoenix) I could only temp disable in the BIOS, switch PCI slots, chant and reboot, I eventually got it. It is very desirable to bet M-Audio on its own IRQ. BTW, as long shot, make sure your sound card is not next to AGP.

I understand your frustration, no one seems to share my problems with ACID4b, VSTi's, M-Audio drivers see my post:

I have now switched nback to the old ACI fix drivers which I do not htink are even up as betas anymore.


Subject:RE: M-Audio, Windows XP & IRQ's
Reply by: billybk
Date:1/5/2003 1:53:00 PM

The ACID40_Fix_BETA.EXE drivers, do seem to be the best for the Delta's right now, when using ACID 4. The .27, .29 drivers have caused me problems, and since I also use SONAR 2.1, the .31 drivers are not an option, because according to the readme file, they limit you to 10 or more msec latencies when in WDM mode. Not an option, when I can easily get 1.5msec in SONAR with the ACID40 drivers and they work great in all my other apps beside ACID and SONAR. I have my Delta 66 on it's own IRQ, #4.
I installed XP, in "Standard PC" mode, and disabled ports(all my Parallel and Serial) on my DAW that I was not using, to free up additional IRQ's.

Billy Buck

Subject:RE: M-Audio, Windows XP & IRQ's
Reply by: JJKizak
Date:1/5/2003 4:59:14 PM

Depending on your motherboard, Win2k will automatically assign IRQ's with
the ps-2 mouse disabled in the CMOS (use serial mouse), IRQ 7 in auto in the CMOS, and either com port one or two shut off in the CMOS and will put one IRQ to
each item installed. Some motherboards will allow this and others will not.
This is with Win2k in plug and play mode{ yes )in the CMOS and all slots
set to PCI. The only other way is to load each card by itself one at a time and
make sure you do not use the PCI slot that is in partnership with the video card.
It is usually slot #1. (Do not use slot one at all). Here are some facts:
Win2K does not like IRQ relationships and will blue screen you do death if
you have two cards sharring one IRQ. This also depends on the severity of the
compatibility of the cards. Sound cards are the worst offenders. SCSI cards are
next. CMOS compatibility with Win2k is not exactly "getting in a car and driving away". The latest motherboard drivers are very important. That is why you can assign
an IRQ to a particular slot and Win2k ignores you. Bill wants to assign the IRQ's
his way, not yours. You must reboot (cold) every time you install a card. Sound
cards like to take priority in IRQ assignments and will drive you nuts.

If you would like to be confused more, Win2k has a bit of "AI"
in that during install if you have all your cards plugged in it will suck
previous information from network cards, and reformatted hardrives---yes,
it can suck info from reformatted hard drives becuase it attaches itself to
each hard drive via hidden files. There are small areas of the hard drives during
the install process that do not get formatted (8 megs boot control files).
The last sentence is speculation on my part so don't take it to the bank.

James J. Kizak

Subject:RE: M-Audio, Windows XP & IRQ's
Reply by: swright
Date:1/6/2003 11:45:38 AM

Thanks for the info everyone! I've switched to the acid_beta driver and it seems to be a little more stable, but I still have hic-ups sometimes when using effects.

I've looked at my BIOS (Pheonix) and I can only disable the parallel & serial ports. Can't force IRQ's here.

I've tried to switch the ACPI to 'standard PC', but Bill's Wizard won't let me. When I search for drivers, tt comes back & tells me that I have the latest & greatest drivers already installed, so I don't need to go any further - end of story. Does anyone know what the standard PC drivers are called so I can uninstall the ACPI drivers & install the standard drivers, or do I just need to uninstall the drivers & I'm all set?

Anyone else notice that if you add an 'a' to IRQ you get IRAQ? Hmmmm...interesting.


Subject:RE: M-Audio, Windows XP & IRQ's
Reply by: dkistner
Date:1/6/2003 1:03:57 PM

Steve, I got the impression from that tweaking link I think it was Drbam posted in this forum somewhere (forgive me, Dr, if I've done another "Shutnot") that you cannot go to Standard PC after the fact. You have to do it from a completely fresh installation, and there's a function key you have to hit at just the right place in the process to get the choice of installing as Standard PC. The installation routine is not going to give you any kind of clue where that place is, either, so it's important to read about what to watch for in those tweaking docs. (Clearly Mr. Bill thinks his way is always the best why would we want to be given a choice?)

I also got the impression (again, at that link) that it's a bad idea to install as Standard PC (in XP) unless you really, really, really have to. What I did was disable my USB ports from Control Panel/System, because I wasn't using them. That took care of the IRQ-sharing problem with my two soundcards. No problems at all so far.

Subject:RE: M-Audio, Windows XP & IRQ's
Reply by: dj_bruno
Date:1/7/2003 9:28:54 PM

I am a Acid newbie but have had my Audiophile card for over a year w/ not problems working with Cool Edit Pro. I've had Acid for a few days and having same problems as those posted....I want to try the acid4.0 fix but can't figure out which web site has it I've sent emails and still waiting on replies. Can anyone help?

Subject:RE: M-Audio, Windows XP & IRQ's
Reply by: L25
Date:1/7/2003 10:12:18 PM

Here is the web site

I do not see the ACID fix drivers up anymore (it was under the pervious and beta versions, you may want to stay with the driver. I could try to email you the "ACID FIX" one to you, but no guarantee, email me if you want it


Subject:RE: M-Audio, Windows XP & IRQ's
Reply by: L25
Date:1/7/2003 10:15:29 PM

...even though there may have been a few perv versions, I meant previous

Subject:RE: M-Audio, Windows XP & IRQ's
Reply by: billybk
Date:1/8/2003 10:38:19 AM

" cannot go to Standard PC after the fact. You have to do it from a completely fresh installation"

With W2K, you need to do a re-install of the OS, to change from ACPI to Standard PC mode, as recommended by Microsoft. XP, is a little more smarter. and can be changed to Standard PC, by following the guidelines, like I suggested. :)

Billy Buck

P.S. I got that tip from Cakewalk tech support, back when I first started using the XP(RC1) Beta, about a year and a half ago. It works, Ive used it many times myself, as have countless others.

Subject:RE: M-Audio, Windows XP & IRQ's
Reply by: dkistner
Date:1/8/2003 1:34:39 PM

Okay, Billy Buck. If it works...great. What I was reading said not to do it that way, though. But all of this is a mystery to me anyway. ;)

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