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Subject:Sync dubbing
Posted by: Flybnj
Date:1/4/2003 6:10:59 PM

I am trying to dub my voice over a cd singing the differant parts (Bass, Tenor, and my wife Alto, Soprano) for the purpose of letting my Church Choir listen to the new recording and learn their parts. The way i would like to do this is to import the cd wav in SF and then record my voice as a separate wav while the first wav is playing then mix them. The obvious problem is getting the two wav files to match when they are mixed. So my question is this, Is there a way to sync the play and record inside of SF? I have already arranged it so that i can play the cd through WMP and use sing into the mic and have SF record both at once, but then i cannot control the lvls of the two parts separately after the recording. See my problem???? Any suggestions or input would be most appreciated.


Subject:RE: Sync dubbing
Reply by: larryo
Date:1/4/2003 7:20:47 PM

Sound Forge isn't a multi-tracking program, so there is no specific way to do so without having a method/program to support what you are trying to do. That being said, many that visit this forum have a deeper knowledge than I do using this programs more inventive roundabouts. Are you sure your program didn't come bundled with Vegas LE? This is a limited edition of a true multitracking program, and sound forge then becomes your audio editor within that program. You may also try using the search feature of this forum and see if some of the experts here have found ways to layer multiple .wav files in sound forge. Good luck...

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