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Subject:Remaping/Beatmaping Tracks with non consistant BPM
Posted by: DjFIL
Date:1/2/2003 4:35:50 PM

i've already created a dj mix via acid 3 before... now i've got acid 4... no big differances. but anyway... the first mix i had no problems at all and the mix sounded great. but i've come apon a problem that i don't know how to fix.

i have a song, which i've recorded from vinyl to cool edit pro. took the wav and now it's in acid 4. i've tried beatmaping it... and can get it close... but not close enough. say if the 1st half of the track is maped perfectly... the 2nd half is off... and if the 2nd half is perfect, the first half is off... and i can't find a perfect medium. i've even tried using the chopper, created a duplicate of the track... and did the first 1/2 as normal... than made a mutual cut point... took the 2nd copy and moved the downbeat to where i cut off the first track and than beatmapped the 2nd half and unfortunatly i couldn't get it to work.

is there anyway to stretch smaller sections, while keeping it one track/file, so they all fit the 4/4 map? or any other suggestions on how to resolve this issue?


Subject:RE: Remaping/Beatmaping Tracks with non consistant BPM
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:1/3/2003 5:20:26 PM

This one's been answered a lot of times, and I believe there's a note in the knowledge base as well. A search should bring it up pretty quick.

Best of luck,

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