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Subject:This is too complicated
Posted by: Chicagoboy12
Date:12/31/2002 11:58:23 AM

I bought this ACID Deluxe 2.0. It cost me $80. I want to make a hotmix CD. Mix songs, match beats, several songs together. I can't even figure out how to get one song to mix into another much less several. I need some help from someone that know how to mix on this thing.

Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: DjXSoundz
Date:12/31/2002 5:47:17 PM

Um, from what i know there is no acid "deluxe" its style,music and pro but for 2.0 maybe there was. Anyways, for remxiing u shud get acid 3.0 or higher because they have a thing called beatmapper which can help u sync the two songs. It sounds like ur a newbie and remixing songs in acid its as easy as u think.

i dont know what to say really
dj xsoundz

Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: dkistner
Date:1/1/2003 12:02:37 PM

Chicagoboy, you have read how to paint in tracks, right? If you pull tracks into your mix (I assume this is true with earlier versions of Acid as well as 4.0), you're not going to hear them until you actually paint them onto your timeline. Then, once you've got them like you want them, just render them out. After you've done all the fancy stuff you're going to learn how to do, anyway.

Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: Chicagoboy12
Date:1/1/2003 4:45:06 PM

My version has the beatmapper. How do I get both songs into the beatmapper to match the beats at the same time? Another question. The part of the song I am mixing into the other, how the hell do I do that? Before I pick this whole computer up and toss it out my second floor window.

Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: David_Kuznicki
Date:1/1/2003 5:18:17 PM

My version has the beatmapper.

That's strange-- version 2.0 didn't have the beatmapper. But anyway...

How do I get both songs into the beatmapper to match the beats at the same time?

First of all, you can't run two songs in the beatmapper at the same time. You have to run them through one at a time. After you beatmap them, it will give you the tempo information. This will help you to determine the project tempo that you're working with.

Another question. The part of the song I am mixing into the other, how the hell do I do that?

Well, see above. Beatmap the two songs. Find the tempo that you want to work with, and you should be fine. The beatmapper took me a little while to get used to, but it DOES work. I've reworked a few dozen pop songs (just for my own amusement), and have been very pleased with the results.

Before I pick this whole computer up and toss it out my second floor window.

Be sure to mic it well. The impact will make a great loop.


Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: MyST
Date:1/1/2003 10:42:04 PM

I think Chicagoboy is referring to the Sony Screenblast product, no??

Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: noFony
Date:1/1/2003 10:57:49 PM

"pick this whole computer up and toss it out my second floor window."

Coooooooool! Can I watch?

Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: Chicagoboy12
Date:1/2/2003 12:39:40 PM

Yes I have the Sony Screen Blast 2.0 Deluxe and I still can't mix anything together. I can't move through the song rapidly, I can't match the beats, I can't line up song one to the point where I want to mix in song two.


Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: dkistner
Date:1/2/2003 3:49:53 PM

Um, that's a completely different product from Acid, right? Is there a forum somewhere that can give you more specific support for this particular product?

Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: Chicagoboy12
Date:1/2/2003 6:38:27 PM

apparently this is part of the ACID family as well because this is where the web site sent me for help.

Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: MyST
Date:1/2/2003 7:03:55 PM

Here, start with this. It's the various SoFo tutorials. Select the Acid tutorials.
After you've gone through them, maybe you can come back with more specific questions.
I would think that if you imported your different songs as one-shots on a separate track for each song, then just move each to line up where you want them, it should work out for you.


Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: ATP
Date:1/3/2003 12:17:19 PM

a google search on Sony Screen Blast yielded few results, none of which could be linked to ACID in any way. this website you mentioned, can you post the link? from the looks of it this is not Acid related at all.

Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:1/3/2003 2:47:54 PM

ATP: SONY resells several low end SonicFoundry products (SIREN, Acid Music, Viscosity, VideoFactory, etc.) under the name ScreenBlast. They don't mention the SonicFoundry name much at all though.

Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: MyST
Date:1/3/2003 2:58:44 PM

ATP, try this link.

Subject:RE: This is too complicated
Reply by: ATP
Date:1/3/2003 5:15:15 PM

i stand corrected. thanks, guys. :)

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