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Subject:Configuring Inputs for Recording
Posted by: deeplfo
Date:12/30/2002 1:43:24 PM

I'm currently taking a split of my mixer's main outs to the input of the sound card for recording. Now this is causing problems when I want to record a new audio track (from an external synth) since I get the existing tracks' audio fed back again as input along with the new audio. Where what I really need is the existing audio playback while recording only the new audio. I can think of a few scenarios as possible solutions, but was wondering how everyone else is handling setting up of inputs for recording along side playback of existing audio?


Subject:RE: Configuring Inputs for Recording
Reply by: Erik_Nygaard
Date:12/31/2002 6:29:29 AM

This probably depends on your soundcard's internal mixer.
In my Audiophile 2496 I set up the mixer with the wave playback and SPDIF faders open
for monitoring and use the SPDIF as input for recording into Acid/Vegas.


Subject:RE: Configuring Inputs for Recording
Reply by: deeplfo
Date:12/31/2002 11:48:35 AM

Right now I've got the SB Live Platinum. In that mixer I've line in open for input and wav playback open as well. Anyone else with comments on their input /monitoring settings?


Subject:RE: Configuring Inputs for Recording
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:12/31/2002 1:06:48 PM

As far as your hardware mixer is concerned, the best thing I can think of is output from the soundcard into your mixer's tape input, then set your mixer so that the tape input is routed to control room (and/or headphones) only. You should then be able to send whatever signal via the tape outs (or control outs) back to the Sound Blaster's line in for recording.


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