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Subject:changing playback speed
Posted by: Melmo
Date:12/28/2002 9:09:24 PM

I recorded speech into sound forge 6.0 and the playback sounds like a chipmunk. How can I correct this and get it back to normal? I recorded at 44100hz, 16 bit, mono. Thank you.

Subject:RE: changing playback speed
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:12/28/2002 10:59:44 PM

Weird. With the file open, does it also report that resolution and sample rate in the lower right?


Subject:RE: changing playback speed
Reply by: eopco
Date:12/29/2002 9:23:18 AM

Are you sure you recorded at 44.1 I have made the mistake of recording at 48KHZ in the past. Another test may be to check your sound card sample rate or if you have a digital mixer, check that sample rate.

Good luck.

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