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Subject:New Guy W/ No Skillz Needs Help
Posted by: Mad_Man
Date:12/27/2002 1:27:07 AM

Im new to this Acid Program so please bare with me because the Acid Book doesnt really explain ANYTHING. Well anyway... I notice sometimes when I grab a sample from a song " not a sample cd " (SOMETIMES) I get really lucky and it comes out on the main screen with the most perfect wave length. And other times the tempo is perfect but the length isnt even with the others. How can I get A sample to fit a specific wave length???? Someone help ??? I know I explain myself all crappy because I know absolutely nothing about all this technical stuff. I would appreciate any feedback from anyone.... Thanks :)

Subject:RE: New Guy W/ No Skillz Needs Help
Reply by: dkistner
Date:12/27/2002 8:37:46 AM

Not sure what you mean. If you import a wave as a one-shot, it's going to be the length it was when it was recorded. If you import it as loop or beatmapped, Acid will set the tempo to whatever is in the tempo setting underneath the track list, and that will affect the length and how the music plays.

If this doesn't help, can you give us a little more information about what you're trying to do?

Subject:RE: New Guy W/ No Skillz Needs Help
Reply by: RasKeita
Date:12/27/2002 10:29:24 AM

You'll need to get an Editor
There are Editor Demos you can get and experiment with...
With an editor you can edit the sample to what ever your need may be.
Altho in Acid you can change the properties of a sample or loop, Right click on to the Track List of the sample you want to edit, a box pops up select properties then go to Stretch and change the length to accomodate your needs. You can also change the sample/loop, from loop/beatmapped to one shot and sometimes that does the trick. Mainly depends on exactly what you're doing. Because there are too many ways to work things into a project to even get into, I'd be typing for days. There's always the Chopper, cut and paste, the possibilities are endless...Experiment

Subject:RE: New Guy W/ No Skillz Needs Help
Reply by: mgpmusic
Date:12/27/2002 3:00:39 PM

For the samples that don't fit in the specific wave length you've mentioned, does it sound messed up? Like DKISTNER said, it may be that you are using one-shots which would appear the way you are mentioning, but that is okay. You can change a one-shot to a looped sample, but it will probably sound like trash unless you just happened to have the BPM matched as well.

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