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Subject:Stuttering, Clicking and Crashing
Posted by: DjXSoundz
Date:12/22/2002 9:29:06 AM

I am trying to finish my CD (mastering and recording) this week (its due Jan 1) and I cant seem to get acid to work right. I've used this program since 2.0 and its always worked like a wonder. I dont have many tracks (only like 10 or so) but the computer inserts random clicks and pops while playing back. It also stutters A LOT. Sometimes it even puts clicks in the recordings. Everytime it think i have a perfect take, i try to put on the compressor and the stuttering gets even worse.
Right before typing this, ACID randomly crashed - the following thing came up:

An Exception has occured:
Sonic Foundry ACID Pro 4.0
Version 4.0a (Build 237)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0xFFFFFFFF IP:0x1042931
In Module 'ACID40K.DLL' at Address 0x1000000 + 0x42931
Thread: Audio5Reader ID=0xFFFB291F Stack=0x551F000-0x5520000
EAX=0064697c CS=016f EIP=01042931 EFLGS=00010293
EBX=00646db0 SS=0177 ESP=0551ff28 EBP=0551ff98
ECX=00000000 DS=0177 ESI=00646da8 FS=2c8f
EDX=00000000 ES=0177 EDI=00646c70 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
01042931: 89 42 04 C7 07 00 00 00 .B......
01042939: 00 C7 47 04 00 00 00 00 ..G.....
Stack Dump:
0551FF28: 00646518 00400000 + 246518 (ACID40.EXE)
0551FF2C: 00646DA8 00400000 + 246DA8 (ACID40.EXE)
0551FF30: 0551FF98 05410000 + 10FF98
0551FF34: 0064697C 00400000 + 24697C (ACID40.EXE)
0551FF38: 004B3C3B 00400000 + B3C3B (ACID40.EXE)
0551FF3C: 00646DA8 00400000 + 246DA8 (ACID40.EXE)
0551FF40: 00000000
0551FF44: 81946A9C 81909000 + 3DA9C
0551FF48: 00000008
0551FF4C: 8192F03C 81909000 + 2603C
0551FF50: 000001BA
0551FF54: 06F19C70 06DB0000 + 169C70
0551FF58: 00000057
0551FF5C: 00000000
> 0551FF78: 0064697C 00400000 + 24697C (ACID40.EXE)
- - -
0551FFF0: BFF76D37 BFF60000 + 16D37 (KERNEL32.DLL)
0551FFF4: 004B3BE0 00400000 + B3BE0 (ACID40.EXE)
0551FFF8: 00646518 00400000 + 246518 (ACID40.EXE)
0551FFFC: 00000008

I'm using:

Acid Pro 4.0a (obviously i think i'll get b)
Soundforge 6 studio (which never crashes)
Windows ME
Pentium III 800mhz
256mb of RAM
Echo Mia Soundcard

dj xsoundz

Subject:RE: Stuttering, Clicking and Crashing
Reply by: Solafide
Date:12/22/2002 12:41:35 PM

Are you using the asio drivers, and what is your buffer setting at. Also which driver version are you using (6.05) and are you using the wdm version or the traditional for windows 98? I know the new drivers had specific fixes for acid. A little more info might make it easier to give suggestions.

Subject:RE: Stuttering, Clicking and Crashing
Reply by: clarksil
Date:12/22/2002 1:53:43 PM

I own a 20 bit Layla from Echo and I had a similar problem. I went to the classic wave driver instead of the ASIO Layla and it seems to work fine for now, except with the Plugsound demos!! Have you tried them. They kick ass!!!.
I wish this plugsound thing would work!!

P2, 400, 512 M ram, Win ME, Acid 4b!!

Subject:RE: Stuttering, Clicking and Crashing
Reply by: DjXSoundz
Date:12/22/2002 5:40:52 PM

I upgrade to 4.0b after I wrote this, dont get the same error message but it still crashes (acutally its the white ones that look like they're from Windoes 3.1 ! but they're not genral protection blah blah) I upgrade to the new ACID drivers from Echo, but i dont use asio. Actually, I havent got into all the softsynth stuff and its mostly because my external devices (keyboards,modules,grooveboxes,effect machines and mixers) NEVER SECREW UP or CRASH like computer sutff!

dj xsoundz

Subject:RE: Stuttering, Clicking and Crashing
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:12/22/2002 7:35:23 PM

The best advice I can give you guys is to switch OS's to Windows XP Home. Using 4.0b to me now is like it was using acid joke I'm being completely serious. When I'm just using loops with DX effects automation/buss tracks with no problems. I've pushed my cpu while I was mixing to hit 100%,to click and pop without a crash.[knock on wood ;) ]

I've NEVER had a good experience using "Me" with cubase 5.0 r? either.



Subject:RE: Stuttering, Clicking and Crashing
Reply by: Solafide
Date:12/22/2002 7:37:19 PM

I know many on this board have complained about asio drivers in acid 4, but this is all I can use. The clasic windows drivers crash very regularly, while I have had no crashes with asio drivers. The only problem I occasionally have with the asio drivers is after a wile of use I can click on the play button and nothing happens (not a lock up or error message, just won't play). I save things where I am and restart the computter and all is well for the next hours or days untill it does it again.

Anyway, I'd just give it a try and see what happens, worth the 30 seconds to switch drivers and set the appropriate buffer level.

Subject:RE: Stuttering, Clicking and Crashing
Reply by: DjXSoundz
Date:12/23/2002 5:46:08 PM

So, "SHTUNOT" you had ME and then when u switched to XP Home it made things better?

dj xsoundz

Subject:RE: Verdict so far... not great, but...
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:12/24/2002 12:01:37 AM


For some reason or another I was always getting a crash or a freeze up then a crash,etc...Didn't play well with my layla 20bit soundcard. I didn't stay with it for very long.

What happened was that I was using cubase for audio but there was a indie film that I wanted to edit+score with Vegas Video 2.0. But I needed either ME or 2k because of a driver I needed for my firewire 1394 IEEE card. So I went from win98 to ME. Full version not upgraded. Win98 tweaked for audio gave me little to no problems...except for the fact that cubase 5.0 was a piece of crap to begin with I just could not get any work done in either cubase or vegas. And I really tried to. Went to all the sites on how to tweak it correctly and I just gave up. My worst experience was right before I reinstalled 98 to get some work audio meters in both apps were slow as hell compared to the song. IOW they were really out of sync. Going back to 98 fixed it in one shot.

That was then...Now I'm pretty much a happy camper using XP Pro[will soon be upgrading to a dual AMD system in the new year]. My system stability and "snappiness" was never this good in 98/ME. I have my system tweaked but not nearly as much as I had to do in 98. Don't just take my word for it. Go to other audio forums and see the response you get.

Remember cubase sx minimum requirements are 2k or XP. And to fully get all the benefits from Sonar they recommend the same...There is a reason for this.

Have a great holiday.


Subject:RE: Verdict so far... not great, but...
Reply by: dkistner
Date:12/24/2002 5:47:19 AM

Ed, I just wanted to thank you for the great info you post throughout the forum. It's helpful and hopeful.

Subject:RE: Stuttering, Clicking and Crashing
Reply by: arisgreek
Date:12/26/2002 9:14:22 PM

I had exactly the the same problem every time i inserted the mastering steinberg compressor insert.If you want to insert a compressor just do it in sound forge and then use it in Acid.I hope it help's because some times some plug ins mess me up too.

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