Why all the Arrogance?

musicvid10 wrote on 12/19/2002, 11:33 PM
Sonic Foundry has said repeatedly that it does not know the outcome of its decision to sell some of its assets. Since they have not announced the result of their negotiations, how can a vocal few of its consumers claim to know that result?

Is it because of a desperate need for attention, some pathological need to feel victimized, or that elusive brass ring: the need to say, "See, I told you I was right," when in fact your guess, when offered, was no more correct nor incorrect than any other? What if you actually ARE right? Is that ten seconds of fame worth all the discontent that you and your fellow wannabees have created?

In any case, this sinkhole of BS that has appeared on this forum the last few days is nothing but contempt, arrogance, and something we had a word for before it became unpopular to say: lying. I suspect that the official announcement will be no more dramatic or earth-shattering than the fantasies of this forum's resident crisis queens.

Yes, I have my own guesses based on a careful analysis of their public statements. Will I share them with you just so I could say, "I told you so!"??

Hell no.


David_Kuznicki wrote on 12/20/2002, 12:01 AM
Or maybe, just maybe, what you're really seeing is something else-- a bunch of aggresively loyal SoFo customers who actually BELIEVE in their product, and are unhappy with the possibility of it being ripped apart, bastardized, whatever. God forbid ANYONE around here actually takes an active interest in a company. This is the kind of loyalty that SoFo took years to build; they should be proud.

Yes, we're going to speculate. Yes we're going to weigh our options. And yes, I think that we have a vested interest in what happens.

And if it doesn't interest you, then ignore the threads. None of them are labelled misleadingly; you should be able to skim over the titles & decided whether or not you wish to read them.

But I, personally, am going to let my opinions and fears be known.

musicvid10 wrote on 12/20/2002, 12:12 AM
So go ahead and create your own reality, dude.

THIS aggressively loyal Sonic Foundry consumer (eight titles, thank you) has just a bit more trust...

JoeD wrote on 12/20/2002, 6:02 AM
<< "See, I told you I was right," when in fact your guess, when offered, was no more correct nor incorrect than any other? What if you actually ARE right? Is that ten seconds of fame worth all the discontent that you and your fellow wannabees have created?>>

Uh, I think the only ones who CAN'T deal with what's going on are those so VEHEMENTLY opposed to those who expect a little more from a COMPANY THAT HAS BEEN GIVEN EVERY CHANCE IN THE WORLD TO PICK UP IT'S PIECES SINCE IT'S LAST CHANGEOVER (usually read: reorg and redefine!! ASAP!!)

People: Cut musicvid and the like some slack. They're just trying to deal with the likely truth coming oh so soon.

BTW: I told you so.

rextilleon wrote on 12/20/2002, 7:47 AM
I think that people love the product and therefore are in a state of shock that it could be sold--I see the reaction as normal and in a way, healthy.
jcarney42 wrote on 12/20/2002, 1:17 PM
I agree rex, but that Unger idiot should be brought up on charges. It really is the law you can't speculate about future company issues if you are directly involved with said publicly held company. Customers though, can say what ever they want. Unger was way out of line and illegal to boot since he is an investor in the company.

Personnally, I hope they sell off Vegas, Acid, soundforge,CD architect, AC3... to a new startup company that includes the current development team. It would cut overhead tremendously and actually become profitable in a short time. I would invest in it if given the opportunity. I just hope they make a 'package' deal and keep all the apps under one roof. I think it would be cool if CakeWalk got their hands on all of this. Just my opinion.

Over time, they could merge similar parts of the products, reducing support costs even further, and continue to kick the crap out of the competition.

A good example is what happened to Poser. Creative Labs is making it more popular than ever. Lets hope the same thing happens to SoFos so called low end stuff (per asshole Unger).

As long as Corel doesn't get their stinking hands on it. Of course, if Adobe gets it, we really are f&*ked.

SoFo boght all sorts of tech over the last 2 years. One is facial/voice recognition software that sounds great on paper, but doens't quite meet with what the industry was expecting. worse, they are getting beat by more established players in the field. (The reason I know this, is because until recently, I worked for a company that was developing software around facial and voice recognition tech. SoFo just wasn't cuttin the mustard sad to say). Getting rid of that and the personell that go with it will help SoFo get back to profitability, but since they are going for a Homeland Security loan, it appears they haven't learned their lesson yet.

At the moment, there is almost a billion dollars up for grabs for companies with security systems that will help the government track and apprehend terrorists. SoFo hopes to get a nice share of that. don't hold your breath.

rextilleon wrote on 12/20/2002, 2:43 PM
yes, I think that would be the best possible solution--as far as the security recognition stuff goes, maybe there lies the problem. Let me see--Sonic does audio/video applications, streaming media stuff, and security recognition stuff---Seems that maybe they are spread a bit to thin--Excuse me, I find the whole subject fascinating---hope I didn't offend anyone.