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Subject:Here's a couple of things
Posted by: analoguekid
Date:12/19/2002 10:49:50 AM

While playing back an AP4 project, if I use the arrow keys to move the cursor bar I get nasty breakup and stutters. Also, in the SoFo piano roll editor, if I have grid spacing set at 16th note triplets, the piano roll won't display that resolution (it still only shows 16th notes)...
not that it matters, but:
900 Mhz
XP pro
7 loop tracks
4 midi tracks, 2 open instances of Linplug Albino


Subject:RE: Here's a couple of things
Reply by: analoguekid
Date:12/19/2002 10:54:15 AM

To Clarify: the resolution of the piano roll will show 16th triplets on a loop, but on a midi track its only showing up as straight 16ths...

Subject:RE: Here's a couple of things
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:12/19/2002 2:17:44 PM

I can move the cursor while various projects playback fine. What's your soundcard and video card? Try updating their respective drivers.

Right-click anywhere on the Piano Roll's grid to change the grid resolution.


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