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Subject:New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Posted by: AlexK
Date:12/9/2002 12:15:10 PM

New OPT MIDI Editor from GenieSys:
Tracks Properties, Piano Roll, Controller's Draw, Tempo Mapper, SysEx etc.
Welcome to
Please, we wait your notes, comments and wishes.

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:12/9/2002 1:11:52 PM

Wow. Just... Wow. I might actually buy this one. Already downloading the demo...

- Nick

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: dkistner
Date:12/9/2002 1:36:56 PM

Yeah, wow! What a slick, slick-looking plugin! It's just what I need.

I note at the bottom of the MIDI Editor page, they mention a few of the OPT codes are not supported by Acid 4.0a. I'm wondering, SoFo, if this is something that's likely to change as 4.0 evolves--like by 4.0b maybe? Or 4.0c? I think it's great that Geniesys is developing plugins for Acid. I think it's great that Acid's being designed to support OPT plugins.

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: dkistner
Date:12/9/2002 3:55:18 PM

Oh, this one is SO SWEET! I'm playing with Midi Editor now, and it's so easy to work with! I'm about to try Visual Quantizer, too. One could do some very serious stuff with these two plugins! And the price is so right, too! Way to go, Geniesys! You must really have music in your heart.

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: MacMoney
Date:12/9/2002 9:14:11 PM

Hi Alex
Thanks for the info. The OPT Midi Editor is very nice, I bought it after trying the demo. I'd been looking for something JUST like this to add to A4 and at $29 Yes!

George Ware

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:12/10/2002 11:19:57 AM

Is there a download only version or do they have to ship it to you?

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: dkistner
Date:12/10/2002 1:06:42 PM

Shtnot (I just realized you're not "Shutnot"; been reading it wrong all this time!), when you buy any of the Geniesys plugins, programs, or sound libraries, you go through a special download routine to get the fully functioning stuff. You download a download manager (GSD), and (after purchase) they send you the password to access the download page via that. Then, once you've got the setup program, it's just a matter of entering your serial number to activate it. I've gotten two plugins from Geniesys so far, Stolen Track (nice) and Midi Editor (VERY NICE), and both times I had them in my hot little hands in no time at all.

I did have to set up GSD for the download on our main house servant (server) because it wouldn't work for me for some reason off my own networked system. But then I just moved it across to my machine.

You can't go wrong with these plugins. They are great. As soon as Santa brings me some more money, I'm going to jump on Visual Quantizer, too, and possibly Swinger. Their sale prices right now are very generous.


Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: MyST
Date:12/10/2002 1:11:43 PM

"Shtnot (I just realized you're not "Shutnot"; been reading it wrong all this time!)"

You're still reading it wrong.
It's SHTUNOT... as in sh!t you not.

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:12/10/2002 1:26:48 PM

LOL!!! Right on dude!

Just got the piano roll and will be messing with it pronto.


Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: dkistner
Date:12/10/2002 4:49:38 PM

Uh, sorry for my typo up there, Shtunot. See, I was thinking your handle meant you never shut up or nobody can shut you out or something like that! ;)

My eyes are not young anymore. You wouldn't believe some of the weird notions I get sometimes reading online, just because I'm half blind....

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: MyST
Date:12/10/2002 6:01:19 PM

"My eyes are not young anymore."

Diane, I hope you saw my post for what it was, I was just teasing you.
I'm the opposite of you, I can't see far. I've worn glasses half my life.
And besides, it gave me a reason tho write "sh!t". :)


Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: MacMoney
Date:12/10/2002 6:39:26 PM

They sent me a download code and Ser#, I hope they send a CD too.

George Ware

Subject:Verdict so far... not great, but...
Reply by: WT
Date:12/11/2002 3:26:26 AM

To anybody of Genevoice,

First off, let me make clear, I'm thrilled that somebody is at least trying to make a good OPT editor. Big congrats to this first attempt of what I hope will be many. Please understand, my intent is not to badmouth or diss this product. I hope and expect that future versions of OPT MIDI Editor will become everything I hoped for.

Unfortunately, I can't see any improvement at all over Acid's extremely basic piano roll editor. In fact, it's worse in some ways. Here is my constructive criticism and some suggestions:

1. Note selection - Why is there no "rubber-banding" capability to select notes? Surely even using right-click or shift-click to toggle into a rubber-band style selection tool wouldn't be difficult. You may ask, why is rubber-banding important? Many musicians like to revoice chords, especially in complex arrangements. What may be easy to play in on the keyboard does not necessarily follow a logical pattern for a saxophone section. What this means is, I may want to take the bottom line of a bunch of chords and put it on top, or the middle. There is no way to do this with the current selection methodology.

2. Right click functionality - Is track monitoring selection so often used that it needs to be the sole right-click function? I can think of numerous other tricks that once can do with right click... Why not "dip" into a pallette of tools with right-click a la Logic audio? Right click a panel with a selection of select, velocity editor, scissors... anything! When on the piano roll, right-click would now apply the tool that you've dipped in.

3. Groove quantize - I understand you have another product just for quantization. However, it simply just makes sense to keep piano-roll and quantize hand-in-hand. Combine the two or something, charge a little more for the package - it just makes sense. Groove quantize is essential.

4. Mass note manipulation - Ok, I've selected a section of notes. I want to transpose it up a fifth. I grab one note hoping to move a bunch - only one note moves. Why aren't all the selected notes affected? Another example - I've played in a part that's a bit too staccatto. I select the offending section, I click the right side of a selected note and drag it to the right to extend the length. Only one note's length changes. This isn't the most ergonomic.

5. Zoom tool - I like that unique zoom box. It's nifty. However, sometimes it's quicker to rubber-band the selection that needs focus and zoom to fit the selection. Vision and Logic, among other sequencers allow this simple functionality by alt-drag-click. Want to return to previous zoom? Easy, alt-double-click the background of the piano roll.

6. Controller editor - I generally like it. Might be nice though to edit the controllers in a separate child window under the piano roll though. That way, you can edit both without having to switch modes.

7. Drawing tool - Two points on this tool.
a) Why can't I hear the notes I'm plunking down with this tool? I realize that there's a funky note coordinate tooltip on every note my cursor hovers above, but we're creating music, not spreadsheets. ; ) Musicians need to hear the music that they're editing.
b) Why does it need to just be a drawing tool? Can't it be a combination select/move/draw tool? For example, normal left-click-drag could activate the selection rubber-band. To plunk a note down, hold ctrl while clicking. At any point, you could grab a note or note selection and manipulate it with this same tool. This would be intuitive.

8. Transport - I found myself frustrated when attempting to play back the sequence by hitting the spacebar. Having to click the play button with the mouse cursor when I want to check my sequence is unintuitive. Often times, I make on-the-fly changes during playback. Shuttling the cursor between the piano roll and the transport controls is somewhat inefficient.

Again, please don't misunderstand the purpose of this post. I am glad somebody has the expertise to build a flexible OPT midi editor. It is a new product, and it has its limitations. I'm a serious musician who needs a serious tool to do his work. I see a lot of potential for this to become such a tool. I currently use the sinking ship that is Logic for PC. I love Sonic Foundry products. I use Vegas religiously. However, Sofo has not delivered on MIDI editing functionality, nor have they expressed any intention to. I hope that Genevoice can produce something that rivals Logic and the late Opcode Vision in terms of professional features, intuitiveness and usability. Please consider my suggestions, and congratulations again on beginning on a very promising product.


Subject:RE: Verdict so far... not great, but...
Reply by: MacMoney
Date:12/11/2002 7:45:38 AM

Good Points WT

George Ware

Subject:RE: Verdict so far... not great, but...
Reply by: AlexK
Date:12/11/2002 8:41:03 AM

> To anybody of Genevoice,
Hello Warren. Thank you for the initiative in the necessary discussion and for a constructive approach to the decision of a problem high-grade MIDI editing in ACID.

> First off, let me make clear, I'm thrilled that somebody is at least trying to make a good OPT editor. Big congrats to this first attempt of what I hope will be many. Please understand, my intent is not to badmouth or diss this product. I hope and expect that future versions of OPT MIDI Editor will become everything I hoped for.

We too hope for it. Our interests here coincide.

> Unfortunately, I can't see any improvement at all over Acid's extremely basic piano roll editor. In fact, it's worse in some ways.

For us very important was to take the first step. Realization of the editor as plug-in instead of the stand-alone program assumes presence of the certain restrictions in realization. We were guided in the first version by simplicity of management and a reasonable minimum of elements of toolbar. It is necessary to take into account the limited area of the screen also.
As we are compelled to observe reasonable balance between the price and functionality.
Otherwise, who will write tomorrow for you new acid midi plug-ins? :-)
Therefore for us it was not less important to find out - whether really so it IS NECESSARY advanced MIDI editor for users of acid. In total for three days of existence of ours editors it became absolutely obvious - the editor is necessary for many.

And now answers on your questions, requests, objections and suggestions:

> 1. Note selection - Why is there no "rubber-banding" capability to select ----
notes? Surely even using right-click or shift-click to toggle into a rubber-band style selection tool wouldn't be difficult. You may ask, why is rubber-banding important? Many musicians like to revoice chords, especially in complex arrangements. What may be easy to play in on the keyboard does not necessarily follow a logical pattern for a saxophone section. What this means is, I may want to take the bottom line of a bunch of chords and put it on top, or the middle. There is no way to do this with the current selection methodology.

Yes, such way of allocation is good. Probably, in the following versions we shall make it. Let I shall once again be repeated - in this version we aspired to simplicity - selection at us is now used simultaneously for realization of several operations: the task of borders loop, cut-copy-paste, Jack the Ripper.

> 2. Right click functionality - Is track monitoring selection so often used that it needs to be the sole right-click function? I can think of numerous other tricks that once can do with right click... Why not "dip" into a pallette of tools with right-click a la Logic audio? Right click a panel with a selection of select, velocity editor, scissors... anything! When on the piano roll, right-click would now apply the tool that you've dipped in.

The increase of number of functions on Right click is quite possible. Only it is necessary to find reasonable balance between complexity and convenience, amount of menu items and ergonomics, between the price and functionality.

> 3. Groove quantize - I understand you have another product just for quantization. However, it simply just makes sense to keep piano-roll and quantize hand-in-hand. Combine the two or something, charge a little more for the package - it just makes sense. Groove quantize is essential.

Quite fairly. Further we shall develop functionality built - in quantize. The big problems in realization of it are not present.

> 4. Mass note manipulation - Ok, I've selected a section of notes. I want to transpose it up a fifth. I grab one note hoping to move a bunch - only one note moves. Why aren't all the selected notes affected? Another example - I've played in a part that's a bit too staccatto. I select the offending section, I click the right side of a selected note and drag it to the right to extend the length. Only one note's length changes. This isn't the most ergonomic.

It too is really. Such function as depends from realize of additional ways of selection (look the answer on point#1).

> 5. Zoom tool - I like that unique zoom box. It's nifty. However, sometimes it's quicker to rubber-band the selection that needs focus and zoom to fit the selection. Vision and Logic, among other sequencers allow this simple functionality by alt-drag-click. Want to return to previous zoom? Easy, alt-double-click the background of the piano roll.

There are no limits to perfection. Probably it is eternal theme - to argue about ideal sequencer.
Creating the first version of the midi editor we did not put before ourselves a task to catch up and overtake on functionality with Emagic, Cubase, Cakewalk. It is only plug-in. Though to make the full-function editor probably… if Sonic Foundry has allowed us inside ACID directly to the data, instead of through OPT the interface. :-)

> 6. Controller editor - I generally like it. Might be nice though to edit the controllers in a separate child window under the piano roll though. That way, you can edit both without having to switch modes.

We simply want to economy a place on the screen.

> 7. Drawing tool - Two points on this tool.
a) Why can't I hear the notes I'm plunking down with this tool? I realize that there's a funky note coordinate tooltip on every note my cursor hovers above, but we're creating music, not spreadsheets. ; ) Musicians need to hear the music that they're editing.

For this purpose it was necessary to press Alt+F7 in ACID or to press on the button "Enable Real-time MIDI". After that notes will sound. Plus ours "funky note coordinate tooltip" – And after this in total all becomes wonderful, the soul sings and life is fine!

> b) Why does it need to just be a drawing tool? Can't it be a combination select/move/draw tool? For example, normal left-click-drag could activate the selection rubber-band. To plunk a note down, hold ctrl while clicking. At any point, you could grab a note or note selection and manipulate it with this same tool. This would be intuitive.

This problem "from the same opera", as in the points#1. Now it is only combination of move/draw tool. If we shall change a way of selection to be added selection tool.
About assignment of buttons Ctrl, Shift etc. It is necessary to remember, that many musicians have loved favourite different sequencers. But keys in them frequently do not coincide. Many have got used to various ways of management. We strongly tried to offend nobody and have for the beginning chosen minimal "gentleman" set of assignments, but known to each Win-user.

8. Transport - I found myself frustrated when attempting to play back the sequence by hitting the spacebar. Having to click the play button with the mouse cursor when I want to check my sequence is unintuitive. Often times, I make on-the-fly changes during playback. Shuttling the cursor between the piano roll and the transport controls is somewhat inefficient.

It absolutely agree with you. The unique reason on which we have not connected Play and Space - when plug-in is in plug-in's tab - visually not probably to determine - whether it at present has focus of input - whether or not. I.e. it is not clear - on pressing a blank will play all tracks itself ACID or MIDI editor will play the that we see in a track.

Once again thank you, Warren, for valuable comments and wishes. We hope to develop our OPT MIDI editor further, it is more and as more as possible promptly. Also we promise all and personally - any of your wishes do not remain to everyone not considered.

We wish all of you good music.
AlexK, for and on behalf of GenieSys software team.

Subject:RE: Verdict so far... not great, but...
Reply by: dkistner
Date:12/11/2002 11:18:17 AM

Who was up there who wanted a CD? I don't expect shipping of CDs at these prices.

The space bar to play...that's a feature, if implementable, that would definitely be great.

I don't have any experience with high-end midi editors and so my demands are not strong. The one editor I've worked with involved basically note-by-note editing--and the need to understand midi programming, which I don't--so what Midi Editor does for me with the draw tools, etc., is greater than I dreamed. It's working for what I wanted it for, which was to shape and manipulate flat midi files after I'd composed them in a scoring program. I couldn't be happier.

Subject:RE: Verdict so far... not great, but...
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:12/12/2002 12:24:14 AM


In designing your product you should try to "keep up" with the feature set that other apps like emagic/cubase/cakewalk/opcode!!! have already in theirs. Why would someone using Sonar buy your midi editor if the one that comes stocked with it can out perform yours? Why should steinberg add OPT to its line up of apps if there is no competition out there that they have to concern themselves with?

There "IS" a market for this.

Build it and we will buy it.

I hope you guys and sofo keep in close contact with each other so that any "limitations" can be ironed out prior to a release ie: what was stated in the help file of your opt plugin.

Will those limitations be fixed in 4.0b?


Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: decrink
Date:12/12/2002 1:01:08 AM

If its any consolation, I've read it the same way for months now... as in Shut Not. I never could figure out what it meant. The true spelling is much better, I shit you not.

>>>Shtnot (I just realized you're not "Shutnot"; been reading it wrong all this time!)"

You're still reading it wrong.
It's SHTUNOT... as in sh!t you not.<<<

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: Spirit
Date:12/12/2002 7:21:23 AM

Yes, I'd definitely be up for buying this, but it would need to have a few more of the features described. I'll have to wait for the improved version - and hope it survives that long...

But this is exactly the way I hope Acid goes. Ideally we could get to pick and choose between two or three MIDI editors :)

Subject:RE: Verdict so far... not great, but...
Reply by: AlexK
Date:12/12/2002 8:25:32 AM

>>I hope you guys and sofo keep in close contact with each other so that any "limitations" can be ironed out prior to a release ie: what was stated in the help file of your opt plugin.
Yes, now we shall work in closer contact to developers of ACID.

>>Will those limitations be fixed in 4.0b?
Something will be already more coordinated with ACID.

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: Laurence
Date:12/12/2002 9:17:55 AM

I like the way the OPT plugin changes volume, panning and patch change data within the midi events themselves. This is way better than the way Cubase and Sonar do it. I also like the separate velocity and note edit screens. This is also better than the "one on top of the other" in Sonar and Cubase in my opinion.

In addition to Alex's comments, I'd like to see a midi record from this plugin (if that's even possible from an OPT plugin), and to be able to change the order of the columns like you can in Sonar. I'd move the parameters for instance that aren't relevant in Acid to the right and out of the way.

I love your "Doldrums" plugin by the way. How about a good drum machine note entry plugin? I'd buy one of them if anyone made one. All I would want it to do was a single pattern. I'd use Acid to arrange the patterns.

Laurence Kingston

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: dkistner
Date:12/12/2002 10:34:26 AM

Myst, didn't mean not to reply to you. I didn't take offense. If I make a mistake, I like to be called on it, believe it or not! :)

And about Sonar, Cubase, etc.: Not all of us can afford to play in that league. It was an interesting point to make, though, about them not being motivated to improve their products if the competition doesn't push them to do so. Glad to see the strengths and weaknesses of these products contrasted, too. As has been mentioned so many times before on this forum, we can't expect Acid to be the be-all and end-all, so I find it very helpful to know about what else is good to use in tandem with Acid.

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: MyST
Date:12/12/2002 10:41:25 AM

No problem.
All's well!


Subject:Genevoice - Here's a good, free example of a good piano roll!
Reply by: WT
Date:12/13/2002 2:41:42 PM

Hi Alex,

Thanks for addressing my post so quickly!

For a free example of the piano-roll type functionality that we all crave, please install this little demo:

Just some things to watch for:
Note how you could toggle between select and paint tools merely by holding ALT.
Note how zoom can be toggled by holding CTRL drag and reverted by CTRL-SHIFT-drag.
Note how selected notes can all be moved and stretched together.
Note how you can hear everything when you move it around.

Note how they don't have groove quantize - This is why I'm posting this message instead of buying the program. ; )

I also do not like the trackless nature of Freestyle. However, their piano roll is nearly beyond reproach. And the beauty of it? It's simple! Something that you said you've been striving for.

Please take a look at this little demo, and see the features you can model from! Be sure to read the help file to see what kind of excellent keyboard shortcuts are programmed.


Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: gjn
Date:12/14/2002 11:13:10 AM

exellent but i've a bug with midi editor.
when to read a midi file,it slowdown ang bug...

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: Laurence
Date:12/14/2002 1:47:03 PM

From what I've seen so far, all the OPTs seem to slow down the computer. The Geniesys editor is better than the Yamaha one that comes with Acid, but it's still slow. Is this an issue with the OPT plugins or the OPT interface in general?

Laurence Kingston

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: pwppch
Date:12/14/2002 1:59:35 PM

Slow in what way?


Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: MacMoney
Date:12/14/2002 2:01:20 PM

I'm not seeing this at all

George Ware

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: Laurence
Date:12/14/2002 2:55:16 PM

It may not even be noticable on a faster computer, but on my PIII 1.1, the CPU load from the main Acid screen is a fraction of what it is if I play it back from an OPT plugin transport. The computer gets really sluggish - kind of like Sonar or Cubase - not at all like the extremely CPU friendly, snappy performance I moved to Acid for. The Genesys editor is better than the built in Yamaha editor, but the extra overhead is still quite noticable on my laptop.

I have a partially built P4 2.4 that I'm sure it will be no problem with, but I still like working on my laptop.

Regards, Laurence Kingston

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: Laurence
Date:12/14/2002 3:11:30 PM

Looking at another thread, I see that everybody else calls this "playing a midi file in track properties". Anyway, its in the "track properties" that I notice that playback is so much more CPU intensive.

Laurence Kingston

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:12/14/2002 8:54:13 PM


You're most likely experiencing memory leak in the track properties window. This has been fixed for revision "b".

- Nick LaMartina

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: gjn
Date:12/15/2002 5:26:51 AM

for me
slowing and the bug makes itself in reading in the midi editor GenieSys;
not in the midi editor acid.

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: pwppch
Date:12/15/2002 10:54:13 AM

Correct! There is a bug when previewing/playing from the track properties (and the Chopper) that has been identified and fix for the 4.0b update.


Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: dkistner
Date:12/16/2002 6:27:14 AM

Alex, with all this talk of OPT plugins, I never realized Geniesys has such a wonderful GM soundbank! I just downloaded a bunch of your mp3 demos, and I'm very impressed! With the instruments and also your compositions! And it was really nice of you to include the midi files, so we can compare how they were prepared with what you wound up with. WYHIWYG, no gimmicks...that's great. VERY nice work!


Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: Laurence
Date:12/16/2002 7:41:31 AM

How well does the GM bank translate into a DLS bank? I bought a competing GM SF bank recently and the DLS translation from Awave Studio was horrible.

Laurence Kingston

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: AlexK
Date:12/16/2002 9:06:38 AM

Dear Diane,
You have no talent of vision of the future? By the end of this week at us is planned to finish work on creation of General MIDI DLS bank especially for ACID.
The basic samples set is taken from the GenieVoice GM32 light version.
Thanks you for unintentional, but the duly, graceful and easy announcement of new bank.

P.S. And about GenieVoice GM64 Pro... To us, really, it is not a shame for GV64. We made it more than two years and this bank has turned out very successful.

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: AlexK
Date:12/16/2002 9:12:59 AM

Hi Laurence,
Awave or Audio Compositor awfully and shamelessly tell lies at translation, but all the same allow will get rid of a plenty of tiresome and monotonous work.
It is necessary to do final editing in Microsoft DirectMusic Producer.

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: Laurence
Date:12/16/2002 10:24:50 AM

Please follow up the lite DLS version of your GM bank with the full version. Acid's DLS synth is incredibly CPU efficient convenient to use once sounds are in the DLS format. In my experience so far, I've also found the format to be as versatile as any other. The only thing missing is a decent editor.

Laurence Kingston

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: Laurence
Date:12/16/2002 10:29:23 AM

I've tried the Microsoft Direct Music Producer and not found it to be of much use. Maybe I should try it again with more patience. Most of the Direct Music Producer package seems geared towards multimedia game sound developers. Is there a certain application within this kit that I should be looking for?

Laurence Kingston

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: AlexK
Date:12/16/2002 10:50:17 AM

Size of this "light" version is 32Mb. Quite right sound.

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: dkistner
Date:12/16/2002 11:41:43 AM

Alex, I welcome the news of the DLS bank with enthusiasm. Like others here, I've found SF to DLS conversions to be less than perfect using the aforementioned tools. I read somewhere why this is likely to be the case, and some possible solutions, but I forget what it said because it made me glaze over and I knew I wasn't even going to BEGIN to get into it. Yes, it would be awfully nice to have a good DLS to use with Acid's DLS Soft Synth. I'll be keeping my eye on your site!

And I concur with Laurence about a "full" DLS from your GM Pro bank. I expect you'll be working on it....

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: TeeCee
Date:12/16/2002 1:15:47 PM

As I think Laurence was getting at:

"I love your "Doldrums" plugin by the way. How about a good drum machine note entry plugin? I'd buy one of them if anyone made one. All I would want it to do was a single pattern. I'd use Acid to arrange the patterns. "

An OPT step style sequencer to edit drum patterns in would be great. Something that worked like the old roland drum machines or the Korg ER-1. I've seen several people looking for this functionality.


Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: AlexK
Date:12/26/2002 9:16:51 AM

First General MIDI sound bank GenieVoice GM55 ACID in DLS format from GenieSys. This 55 Mb DLS bank especially was created for work with software DLS Synth inside Sonic Foundry ACID Pro 4.0.

Subject:RE: New OPT MIDI Editor with Piano Roll etc from GenieSys
Reply by: dkistner
Date:12/26/2002 9:17:55 AM

This will be my first purchase in 2003!

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