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Subject:Is this A BUG ?????????
Posted by: Mad_Man
Date:12/14/2002 12:14:22 AM

I noticed that when I install Acid Pro 4.0 I can no longer watch Mpeg Video's on the internet.... Has Anyone else noticed this ???? If So please let me know how to fix it without messing up my Acid Program .. I want everything to work normally. Thanks!

Subject:RE: Is this A BUG ?????????
Reply by: r56
Date:12/14/2002 2:45:11 AM

I posted a workaround recommended by Sonic Foundry tech support at my original thread of 12/6/2002 ACID 4 on WIN XP and WMP.
Check it and please post back the results if you try it.

Subject:RE: Is this A BUG ?????????
Reply by: Laurence
Date:12/14/2002 11:09:12 AM

So you don't have to do a search, here is what it said:

I wrote about this problem to Sonic Foundry, the tech support response arrived surprisingly fast. Here it goes:

- Find the files "" and "". Rename them to:
"" and """.
Rename them back to the original name if you run into any other trouble, but doing this shouldn't cause any problems at all. -

Subject:RE: Is this A BUG ?????????
Reply by: Mad_Man
Date:12/14/2002 11:30:57 AM

Thank God you 2 replied my message! I finally got it to work with no problems "YET"
if any problems arrive i'll be sure to let everyone know so we can all have full use of our PC while using the Acid Program. Thanks again Guys !

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