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Posted by: oddboy
Date:12/7/2002 5:42:19 PM

TeeCee (Ignore This User)
Date: 11/5/2002 10:16:35 AM

My solution is to very precisely chop your original song into fixed beat length loops in Sound Forge or some other audio editing program. You may be able to do it directly in Chopper using the chop to new command. ANyway, build the loops to whatever length you want so long as they are not too long and drift as the whole song does. Use these loops at will to rebuild the song your way. I do this all the time.

I keep reading your posts about how you do this but you never seem to explian the prociedure for idiots

Subject:RE: TeeCee
Reply by: TeeCee
Date:12/9/2002 6:52:31 AM

As coincidence would have it, I just checked this board for the first time in a month and saw your post. Shoot me an email at I'll sort this out with you. If you lived in New Orleans, I'd show you what I do.


Subject:RE: TeeCee
Reply by: TeeCee
Date:12/18/2002 9:25:24 AM

I responded to someone's email. I'll try to give some step by steps if someone needs them. Just email me.


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