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Subject:ParaGraphic EQ
Posted by: BeachDog
Date:12/5/2002 3:26:27 PM

Try this if you have a chance...

1. Create a Simple 5 second 440 Hz sync tone. (It's a Preset in the Simple Synth box). Note that it plays at -12 dB
2. Open the Paragraphic EQ and select the Preset... "Remove very low and inaudible frequencies below 20 Hz".
3. Hit OK, or just Preview.

Result: The volume is now louder (between -11.6dB or louder).

This may sound like I'm nit-picking, and I realize I can reduce the "Wet Out", but shouldn't the level stay exactly the same? If anything, get quieter, not louder.


Subject:RE: ParaGraphic EQ
Reply by: Sonic
Date:12/5/2002 7:07:49 PM

Ideally, yes, it should be the same. But all filters are not created equal. Here are some hints for profiling any filter.

Also note that in this particular case, most filter flavors will introduce a slight bit of gain on the first 10-100 ms. I've seen this with just about every simple shelving filter out there in multiple host applications.


Subject:RE: ParaGraphic EQ
Reply by: BeachDog
Date:12/6/2002 10:50:57 AM

I did notice that there is more gain in the first 10-100 ms. This appeared to be more than just "slightly" to me though. Thanks for the link, but I guess I can't see why it couldn't be made "ideal", since it's all digital, and especially since it's not being done in real-time.


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