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Subject:How do I get Sound Forge to automatically open files in mono?
Posted by: docdoc
Date:12/1/2002 9:30:22 PM

Sound Forge is automatically opening files in the stereo format, and I'm having to manually change them to mono.
How do I get Sound Forge to automatically open all files in mono instead of stereo? Is this possible?

Subject:RE: How do I get Sound Forge to automatically open files in mono?
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:12/1/2002 11:27:15 PM

It should be opening files in whatever format they are in. Are the files you are opening mono or stereo?

Subject:RE: How do I get Sound Forge to automatically open files in mono?
Reply by: Engineer
Date:12/3/2002 2:20:04 AM

The files are supposed to open in whatever format they were recorded in. If the record module is set to stereo then all files are recorded in 2 track stereo/mono

Subject:RE: How do I get Sound Forge to automatically open files in mono?
Reply by: Sonic
Date:12/3/2002 8:52:11 AM

If you are certain that they are mono files (highlight them in the open dialog and check the format), then be sure the "Merge L/R" checkbox in the Open dialog is unchecked.

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