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Subject:song seperation
Posted by: dave6456
Date:12/2/2002 2:10:40 PM

I have a number of songs all together in one file. If I burn a cd from it I won't be able to go from song to song as it'll be read as one long song. How can I set divisions in order to seperate the songs for when I play the cd I burn?
I have version 4.5

Subject:RE: song seperation
Reply by: MJhig
Date:12/2/2002 9:55:46 PM

This is the procedure for 5 and 6, see if it's the same in 4.5. I'd like to know if it is so post back please.

C & P'd from one of my previous posts;

If there is no blank space between songs;

Place the cursor at the start of the audio in the file.

Press "m" to insert a marker.

Press the spacebar to start playback.

Press "m" again at the crossfade location to insert another marker. Repeat to the end.

Click Special > Regions List > Markers to Regions, when prompted click yes or ok.
In the Regions List window highlight a region click enter to edit name.

Click tools > Extract Regions and save them to a folder and burn them all in your burning software using DAO (disk at once) to prevent spaces between tracks.

If you have blank space to eliminate between songs;

Press "[" at the start of the song.

Press spacebar to start playback.

Press "]" at the end.

Press "r" to create region and name it.

Repeat to the end.

Click tools > Extract Regions and save them to a folder and burn them all in your burning software using DAO (disk at once).


Subject:RE: song seperation
Reply by: Engineer
Date:12/3/2002 2:06:24 AM

Heres a much easier way. You need to break each song into a seperate file using Sound Forge, then place each song in order into your burner and hey presto you have it.

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