Does CDA 5.0 support Plextor 16/10/40A

tunafish wrote on 11/19/2002, 11:27 PM
The Plextor 16/10/40A is an IDE drive with burn-proof technology. VV3.0 does not support this drive and will only burn up to 6X. Sonic Foundry promised a fix since last January, but they never fixed the problem. Does CDA 5.0 work with this drive? I was offered the beta version but was unable to try it because I was out on the road.
Does anybody know about this?


SonyDennis wrote on 11/20/2002, 9:21 AM
I don't know the answer from where I'm posting, but you can download the final version and use it in demo mode to test burning on your drive. I'll try to get more information.
John_Logan wrote on 11/21/2002, 9:30 AM
It works fine with the 24/10/40a so your drive should be fine. I think all of the recent plextors use the same firmware.
tunafish wrote on 11/22/2002, 11:57 AM
Thank you Dennis and John. I tried the demo and it does indeed work at full speed with the 16/10/40A.
beetlefan wrote on 11/23/2002, 5:59 AM
Everything works fine with my PlexCombo 20/10/40-12A!