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Subject:Roxio Easy CD vs. Sound Forge 6.0d. Can not burn CD's.... Help!
Posted by: RSDavisNet
Date:11/16/2002 11:57:36 PM

I have updated all the drivers and am using the latest update to EZCD (v5.3.2.34), as well as the latest update to Sound Forge 6.0d (219).
All video, sound, mouse... etc. drivers are latest. Starts to record... gets about 3% into it, and locks up. Error writing to disc is the message. Duh...

If I remove Sound Forge 6.0d, everything works fine. Sound Forge 4.5 works fine, but 6.0 has been a bear!

I've got nearly 1GB memory, w/ P4 1.6GHZ... running Windows 98SE.

What do I do now?? Anyone know a fix?

(I have wasted countless blank CD's trying to figure this out...)

Thanks in advance.


Subject:RE: Roxio Easy CD vs. Sound Forge 6.0d. Can not burn CD's.... Help!
Reply by: Vocalpoint
Date:11/17/2002 1:19:24 PM

I have everything that you have installed (expect 98SE - I run XP across the board) and everything works great. Never had a problem. Can't believe that I (or you) are the only ones with this combo installed. We would have heard about a conflict between these two apps by now if there was one. Quite a popular combo I would think - to have Roxio and SForge installed.

I suspect a hardware issue specific to your box. Maybe post more details on your box and maybe we can discover something.


Cuzin B

Subject:RE: Roxio Easy CD vs. Sound Forge 6.0d. Can not burn CD's.... Help!
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:11/17/2002 10:04:05 PM

What CD burner are you using? Have you checked to see if there is a firmware upgrade for the CD burner? Are you having the same problem with EZCD creator, or just Sound Forge?

Also, as a side note. You said you have over 1Gig of RAM. I believe you are actually doing yourself a disservice running this much ram with Windows98. I believe the maximum RAM allocated for Windows 98SE was 256Meg. Anymore than that, then it would actually start to slow your system down. I had been holding off purchasing my 1gig of RAM until I upgraded to XP, which I just did last week and then purchased 2-512MB DIMMS to go along side my 128MB. XP will take advantage of the large amount of RAM, which 98se wouldn't. I'm not 100% on this info, but had read some information on this awhile back, so you might want to check into it.


Subject:RE: Roxio Easy CD vs. Sound Forge 6.0d. Can not burn CD's.... Help!
Reply by: drbam
Date:11/17/2002 10:09:47 PM

<<I believe you are actually doing yourself a disservice running this much ram with Windows98. I believe the maximum RAM allocated for Windows 98SE was 256Meg. >>

My understanding is that the max is 512 for 98SE. The guy who built my system told me this and I later read it on a couple of DAW optimizing documents. At any rate, I've been running 512 on 98SE for quite a while without problems (that are related to ram). ;-)


Subject:RE: Roxio Easy CD vs. Sound Forge 6.0d. Can not burn CD's.... Help!
Reply by: sk
Date:11/17/2002 11:04:27 PM

Just curious, RSD. Do you, or have you ever had Nero installed on your system? I've read a lot about conflicts between those two, and ran into that situation myself. While I didn't like the 'ultimatums' I kept hearing (you have to choose one or the other; they don't seem to both play very nicely together on any system), I eventually uninstalled Nero and kept EZCD, although almost everybody else chooses the opposite.) After nixing Nero, and making some other changes, I finally got things working right again. I did notice that you said you upgraded to the latest EZCD. It was after I upgraded to that version that a lot of my problems started. And when I checked out the Roxio forum, I saw a lot of issues related to that last update. I went back to 5.1, myself. And that's been working great. While they always say: "GET THE LATEST UPDATE", sometimes it's not the best way to go, especially if everything is working out with the current version. I'm still trying to hear from SoFo why the play meters are now totally distorted every time I open 6.0d, but were never distorted on 6.0. Go figure.


Subject:Thanks all... First, I'll reduce my RAM. That's the easy part...
Reply by: RSDavisNet
Date:11/18/2002 2:19:51 AM

Second, I'll un-install Nero... just for kicks, mind you. I have had and used Nero, EZCD 5x, and SoundForge 4.5 for over a year with NO problems (also, no changes in hardware lately either). It is *only* after installing SF 6.0 that things started to tank. It was then that I upgraded to the new EZCD release (as well as the latest drivers for everything else in the box)... because SoundForge TECH SUPPORT TOLD ME TO DO SO!! :-((.

I actually like EZCD, and would like to keep it, but now Nero is also screwed with the new SF 6.0.... or maybe it is only now that it seems to be in conflict. I agree, sk, upgrading is not always the best thing (especially evident on the EZCD forum... you'll see a lot of angry folks!!)

It is a TDK 24x CDR-RW, and until SF6.0 has worked flawlessly. This (expensive) upgrade has really caused me some serious trouble. If I go back to an old boot-drive image (pre- SF 6.0) everything works fine again. I can try to upgrade the firmware on the drive. That's another good idea.

My particular hardware-software configuration has worked flawlessly for over a year (even with all the RAM). I only upgraded from 4.5 to 6.0 because of it's ability to import WindowsMedia files. What a mistake this has turned out to be. If all these 'fixes' don't work, I'll just go back to 4.5, forget the WindowsMedia ability, and call it a business loss. :-(

Thanks again, and Cheers to you all.
Any more ideas are greatly welcome.


Subject:RE: Thanks all... First, I'll reduce my RAM. That's the easy part...
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:11/18/2002 10:29:09 PM

Does any program burn a CD now? Does Cheezy CD creator burn CD's? Or is it just Sound Forge that has problems burning? I'm just trying to narrow it down to a specific application or a system level bug.

Subject:RE: Roxio Easy CD vs. Sound Forge 6.0d. Can not burn CD's.... Help!
Reply by: stusy
Date:11/19/2002 8:40:16 AM

I love my Nero 5.5, but now I use it mainly for data, and try to stick with VV3 for burning; a long time ago I opted to now use the Sony software that came with the burner, but that was OK also. I have SF6.0d (and Acid 4.0a) also...I'm really havin a hard time lately with CD5, whether I should buy it or not...I don't do video, but it's a nice lookin app, and I'm hardpressed to buy it or not...I have 98SE, and was also told that anything above 512 MB of mem (DDRam for me)is ludicrous...CD burners as well as hard drives are "goin for a song" now...

Subject:RE: Roxio Easy CD vs. Sound Forge 6.0d. Can not burn CD's.... Help!
Reply by: stusy
Date:11/19/2002 8:41:52 AM

Sorry: ..."I opted to NOT use the Sony software that came with the burner.....

Subject:RE: Thanks all... First, I'll reduce my RAM. That's the easy part...
Reply by: kryten
Date:11/19/2002 11:17:40 PM

You don't need to *remove* your RAM. You can limit it. Use msconfig and limit it that way. You didn't say if you received any error messages or not. Regardless, here's Microsoft's info about RAM on a Win9x system:;en-us;253912 system maintenance. I can't stress that enough. Clean out your c:\windows\temp folder and then run a scandisk from DOS mode (NOT a DOS window). I don't trust the Windows version of scandisk...kinda like trying to fix your engine while driving down the highway. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...system maintenance is essential.

Both of these programs run side by side on my system without incident, and I have 1GB of RAM (I have Nero on here as well with no problems). Overkill for a 9x OS, but I am also triple-booting with ME, XP Home and XP Pro (I have to support users remotely). I did receive errors from ME (9x kernel) with this amount of RAM, and following the info in the Knowledge Base, I haven't received an error since. I limited my RAM to 512 in ME. However, XP ROCKS!! It's time to upgrade if you have the means. 98 is 4 years old now and stability has much improved since then. Note that the NT operating systems don't have scandisk. It uses chkdsk instead (old school DOS but it still works wonders), and when invoked (when using chkdsk /f which fixes file system errors), runs before the OS loads, which agrees with my note about not running the Windows version of scandisk.

For the record, I'm running on ME/XP Home (all listed apps are installed on both OSs):

SF Studio 4.5
CD Architect 4.0g
Sound Forge 5.0f
Sound Forge 6.0d
Batch Converter 5.0b
Vegas Video 3.0c
Acid Pro 4.0a
CD Architect 5.0 b93 (can't WAIT until the delivered product so I can use all the features)
InCD 3.51.61
EZCD Creator (no DirectCD)
*cringe* Adaptec ASPI Layer 4.71.2 (I know you shouldn't need this with XP, but some programs puked until I installed it)

I don't have a single issue with any of these programs after installing the ASPI layer. I don't recommend installing the Nero ASPI interface. It's not required if you've installed the Adaptec layer. This might be part of the problem that others (and you) have had in that their CD drives disappeared.

In any case, there may be a problem with your pre-SF disk image. I would try restoring the image, installing the Adaptec solution, install the latest SF apps and see what happens. I have had no problems when starting from the ground up. I'm so *ALL* over Symantec's a *complete* lifesaver. Get it.

Subject:Symantec Ghost?
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:11/21/2002 10:41:06 AM

I've routinely in the past have used Nero to create a backup image of my C: drive, where only my OS is installed. The problem with this, is that you can't create an image when the OS is you mentioned fixing your car with the engine running. So I would usually take the hardrive out and install it into another PC and run Nero on that system and create the image and burn to CDR's. This get's to be a pain in the ass having to rip your hard drive out to create the image. And with having the entire suite of Sonic Foundry products, I have to constantly try and keep up with the updates, which means I need to create an image everytime I update, but I usually don't do that because of having to rip the drive out of the PC.

So my question is: How does Symantec Ghost handle this? You mentioned you have multiple OS's on your system, so are they on seperate partitions, where you can boot to one OS on a partition and then use Ghost to image the partition not active? I've recently went to XP Pro and am trying to find a good solution to image the drive, before I install my large arsenal of software. I'm trying to stick to a single OS. So how can I stick to a single OS and try and image the engine, while the engine is running? Can I use Ghost from Dos? I'm tired of pulling my hard drive, too many software updates to keep doing this process.

Subject:RE: Symantec Ghost?
Reply by: kryten
Date:11/22/2002 12:29:56 AM

Ghost rocks, and I'm not sure this discussion is fully appropriate here, but since you asked...

You hit the nail on the head as Ghost ONLY really works in DOS mode, so you're not working on the engine while driving. I have 2 hard drives, each partitoned 5 ways (10 drive letters not counting the CD drives). One of the partitions on the second drive is specifically designated for the Ghost images of each of the operating system partitions. My layout goes like this:

Drive 1 (master):
C: Windows ME 6.4GB
D: 32GB for audio files ready to burn to CD (CDA images and such. I used D for music files before I started multi-booting, and the CDA4 CDP files all reference D:)
E: Windows XP Home 20GB
F: Windows XP Pro 20GB
G: Mastering partition (ISO images and such) 16GB

Drive 2 (slave):
H: Backup partition (Ghost images) 6GB
I: Used to copy files from C, E and F to keep them contiguous before burning 6GB
J: For ripping tracks to before creating images to put on D 6GB
K: Program and OS setup files 6GB
L: Anything that doesn't fit the above (misc MPG, AVI, etc.) 13GB

When ghosting from each partition, each only takes about 5 minutes to back up since you're reading from one drive and writing to another. Ghost 2003 will not copy over the swap or paging file, and also will not copy the temporary internet files. There are other unnecessary files that are non-essential that it will skip as well. Ghost 2003 has a new Windows interface that will let you select how you want to image your drive, then it will reboot to DOS *regardless* of the OS or file system and do it's thing. The interface is there for those who don't know how to use command line switches, or are uncomfortable with them. It still runs in true DOS mode when it's imaging or cloning.

Get a second hard drive since they're so cheap now, install it, and Ghost your primary drive to an image onto it. I could go on about how great this program is.

Subject:RE: Symantec Ghost?
Reply by: inspector
Date:11/22/2002 11:29:35 AM

I saw no mention of files systems in use on your drives. I found that with Ghost 2002, that I could save an image of an NTFS partiton/drive to a target drive with FAT32 but could not save any image to an NTFS partiton - when using a boot floppy - DOS can't see NTFS partitons in the same machine. If the target drive for saving the image is an NTFS drive is on a network drive no problem.

Ghost 2003 may be have differently, can't say. I have not had a chance to install it yet.

If I can help, you can e-mail me at


Subject:RE: Symantec Ghost?
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:11/22/2002 11:30:13 AM

Thanks for the info. Looks like I will have to look into getting ghost. I stopped looking at the Symantec stuff after the last "Norton Utilities" and "Norton Anti-virus" I had been using. I think "Norton Anti-Virus" would put viruses on your computer just to show you it was worth the purchase you made. I also felt like "Norton Utilities" would constantly crash programs and fragment files, to keep reminding me it was doing something. After I de-installed it, Sound Forge and all my other apps stopped crashing, but when it was installed it constantly crashed sound forge and gave me the "crash guard" recovery screen. Deinstall the Symantec stuff and no crashes or fragmented files.....makes you go hmmmm?

Subject:RE: Symantec Ghost?
Reply by: kryten
Date:11/22/2002 4:07:01 PM

I neglected to mention that all the partitions I listed are FAT32. Ghost 2003 does introduce the ability to write images to an NTFS drive or partition. As for your crashes, most of the utilities in Norton work well except for System Doctor. I always skip that app when installing.

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