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Subject:Make a Mixed CD
Posted by: DjSpookie
Date:11/22/2002 12:19:34 AM

I'm not sure if you can do this, but, i mixed loads of songs together as one track using line in on a sound blaster from my turntables. I want to make a CD but i want to cut it up into seperate tracks. Can i do this?!?!? Help!

Subject:RE: Make a Mixed CD
Reply by: Engineer
Date:11/22/2002 1:13:59 AM

You can only with CD Architect. V4 would let you place the cursor where you wanted a new track to start then press the T key and a new track would appear. V5 has just been released, but I dont know anything about it at this stage. I downloaded the demo of V5 but it didnt seam to want to work the same way as V4

Subject:RE: Make a Mixed CD
Reply by: MJhig
Date:11/22/2002 1:16:03 AM

See my post in this thread...


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