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Subject:stereo 2 mono 2 stereo 2 mono
Posted by: viren55
Date:11/14/2002 2:54:52 PM

hey, i just fineshed some original songs, and i wanna now send out demo's to record companies. BUT i don't wanna send them stereo best quality files, cause they easily get ripped off in the indian music industry. so i wanna have the file go from

Stereo > mono > stereo > mono etc....

how do u do this using Sound Forge?

Subject:RE: stereo 2 mono 2 stereo 2 mono
Reply by: viren55
Date:11/16/2002 10:20:42 AM


Subject:RE: stereo 2 mono 2 stereo 2 mono
Reply by: bgc
Date:11/16/2002 11:07:03 AM

what do you want to do? convert stereo to mono?
use the channel converter tool. it's under tool or process. choose stereo to mono 50% each channel.

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