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Subject:M-Audio 24/96 Users pleez help!
Posted by: luces
Date:11/9/2002 2:15:09 PM

Howdy everyone. This might not be the most appropriate forum for this topic, but I am using the M-Audio 24/96 card and I cannot use ANY configurations other than 44.1-16 bit to record or playback without it stuttering like Mel Tillis being tickled to death! I am using Acid4.0 and SoundForge pretty much exclusively(I love the hell out of 'em!). The issue is really with Acid though. I will say that if I use VERY few tracks and virtually no FX I can use higher rez settings, but that is impractical. I guess my questions I need a faster processor, do I need to upgrade the OS, do I need to send the card back? The M-Audio cats tell me that I just need to "tweak" my system, but I think it is tweaked enough to get better results than I am getting! I guess I am just curious to set ups that people are using succesfully w/ the 24/96 card. I will post my system set up to compare if this will help shed some light on my situation. Thanks, Luces.

ps. sorry if this is a redundant topic!

Athlon 700 mghz processor
448 megs 133 sdram
60gig 7200rpm drive
ATI Rage IIc video card
SB Live MP3+5.1
M-Audio 24/96

Thanks again.

Subject:RE: M-Audio 24/96 Users pleez help!
Reply by: noFony
Date:11/9/2002 3:04:40 PM

Mine works fine at 24/96 or 16/44...Of course when you add more tracks and effect you need to increase the buffer size in the delta control panel!!

Dell 866 PIII
Audiophile2496(running w/Win2000WDM driver)(or asio)
7200-70G drive for audio/video
7200-20G system/program drive

Subject:RE: M-Audio 24/96 Users pleez help!
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:11/9/2002 3:58:16 PM

sonicfella makes a great point. I noticed with really busy projects, say about 25-30 tracks with FX, I, too, have to raise my Audiophile's buffer a bit. It all depends on the system config, what's used for an OS, etc.

I'd say a faster CPU, a second hard drive and Windows XP would all help out in your case.

When you can, always try to have FX already processed in the track and bounce it down to a new track (solo the track, set the Loop Region over the event and use CTRL+M with the "render loop region only" option checked), instead of having ACID process FX on the fly.


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