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Subject:Is there a "global join" command
Posted by: incandenzaga
Date:11/9/2002 12:22:32 PM

Often times I'm not careful when splitting segments and instead of selecting the segment before issuing the Split command I'll not have any segments selected, which means that *all* segments are split. After several days/weeks worth of editing I'll end up with whole bunch of needless segments. Currently I go through each track individually and do a Join. It would be handy if there were a command that would go through all segments and join them.

a.) does this help performance, since that's my only reason for doing the Join?
b.) if the answer to a.) is "yes", It doesn't look as though there's a command to do that but thought I'd ask here, just to be sure. Is there?

Subject:RE: Is there a
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:11/9/2002 4:34:13 PM

a.) I don't think so, though I've never had this problem. (I'm an extreme neat freak.)

b.) You could select all of the events that need joining and then use J on your keyboard to join them all respectively in one swoop.


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