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Subject:midi thru channell
Posted by: JAB
Date:11/6/2002 12:23:44 AM

I hope someone can help with this. I have a midi controller that only outputs midi channel 1. When recording tracks in Cakewalk, this is not a problem because you merely change the track output channel to the appropriate midi channel and Cakewalk echoes the incoming channel 1 to whatever you want. I have been unable to figure this out in ACID 4.0a. Once the track is recorded, you can change it but I have my midi gear all laid out with each instrument on its own channel and when you go to play, all you hear is what is on channel one.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Subject:RE: midi thru channell
Reply by: pwppch
Date:11/6/2002 10:38:54 AM

Sorry, but our MIDI thru and recording does not have the ability to remap the channel in real-time.


Subject:RE: midi thru channell
Reply by: JAB
Date:11/6/2002 7:06:18 PM

Ouch that hurts. Well I guess I'll either have to buy another controller (which I want anyway) or keep using Cakewalk. I really like the song construction process in Acid so will probably use both.

Subject:RE: midi thru channell
Reply by: kilroy
Date:11/7/2002 9:15:16 AM

Hmmm...I used to use a product made by a company called Anatek that basically allowed you to re-route the MIDI channel to whatever you wanted. Used it on an early DX-7. I still use their thru boxes and a couple of their merge boxes as well. Don't know if they still make the things but they were sure handy "bodge" fixes in the early MIDI days for me. The DX-7 had a wonderful after touch response so I liked using it for a controller for that reason. Anyway, worth checking into.

Subject:RE: midi thru channell
Reply by: deeplfo
Date:11/7/2002 3:26:16 PM

" Sorry, but our MIDI thru and recording does not have the ability to remap the channel"

This is the sort of thing that makes the implementation of midi in Acid look like an after thought, even in 4.0. One could argue that by leaving midi out totally you could focus more on what Acid does best, i.e. audio/loops/etc. But the half-hearted approach leads to nothing but frustration on the part of the users.


Subject:RE: midi thru channell
Reply by: pwppch
Date:11/8/2002 12:58:39 AM

It wasn't half-hearted! This implies that we didn't care. We do care. We provided improved MIDI functionality over ACID 3.0. ACID 5 will improve on ACID 4's MIDI.

I don't agree with you as far as if we would have left out the MIDI we could have improved on our audio. We added ASIO,a new mix engine, FX automiation, bus tracks, chop to new file, and surround mixing. That is a lot of non-MIDI related features.


Subject:RE: midi thru channell
Reply by: JAB
Date:11/8/2002 11:05:19 AM

Will Acid 5 include the ability to remap the channel in real-time? When is the expected release date?


Subject:RE: midi thru channell
Reply by: deeplfo
Date:11/8/2002 12:10:56 PM

I think you're right in your points,. And I didn't mean to imply that you don't care :-) I love Acid and use it daily, it's just that when you're used to certain midi capabilities in the other sequencers, and then get all excited about Acid having it implemented, but left a tad frustrated with some missing stuff. I would love to do all my work just in Acid, since I really like the interface and the whole working style within Acid. Sorry if my post read a bit too harsh :-)

Looking forward to 5.0. btw, what's the release schedule for the rest of 4.0 updates, and when can we expect 5.0?


Subject:RE: midi thru channell
Reply by: pwppch
Date:11/8/2002 3:10:58 PM

The MIDI will grow and it will be more sequencer like in features, but will maintain the ACID paradigm just like audio: A media looping tool.

ACID 5 is an assumption and has not even gotten to the drawing board, so no comments on it.

ACID 4.0b should be out soon.


Subject:RE: midi thru channell
Reply by: deeplfo
Date:11/8/2002 4:25:35 PM

Got it. Thanks.


Subject:RE: midi thru channell
Reply by: MarkWWW
Date:11/9/2002 5:40:23 AM

Have a look at MIDI-OX ( I think you may find that its mapping facilities will allow you to do what you need.

It's an extremely nice free utility that anyone doing MIDI on a PC should find very useful.

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