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Subject:Acid and Midi files...
Posted by: analoguekid
Date:11/7/2002 2:15:35 PM

I'm breaking out the manual right now, but I'm curious as to anyone else seeing this kind of problem.
Whenever I open a project file that has midi tracks, the track properties are reset to default volume (Unity)and my panning data is gone. Even when I make my changes and (save as) overwrite the file in my project folder, after I've replaced the file and reload, it's still not saving the tweaks that I've done to track properties...
If I crash the track out, when I re-boot re-load re-lax, the track props show that the midi file is taken from the application data file on my hard drive and not from the external drive that I store the project and its associated media. I've also found that I can minimize my midi related crashes by replacing the midi files with themselves before I playback the track for the First time. to make a short story long: is it possible for midi information to become corrupted and thereby cause crash problems? my specs:
Acid 4.0a
900 Mhz AMD Duron
512 meg ram
ME (please stifle your laughter) it's been solid for 21/2 months with 4.0
I've shut down virus software and everything else from running in the background.
I show 93% free processing on fresh boot and 81% with just Acid running
I do not run any other programs while using Acid.
What gives?

Subject:RE: Acid and Midi files...
Reply by: analoguekid
Date:11/7/2002 2:18:22 PM

I've also started getting these stack dumps in the past two days. and for the record, I haven't installed anything new...

Sonic Foundry ACID Pro 4.0
Version 4.0a (Build 237)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0xFFFFFFFF IP:0x1104C08
In Module 'ACID40K.DLL' at Address 0x1000000 + 0x104C08
Thread: GUI ID=0xFFE53131 Stack=0xC2F000-0xC30000
EAX=00000000 CS=017f EIP=01104c08 EFLGS=00210212
EBX=00000000 SS=0187 ESP=00c2fbf4 EBP=00c2fc4c
ECX=012e5b30 DS=0187 ESI=00000003 FS=1b0f
EDX=00000000 ES=0187 EDI=04d1eb00 GS=2216
Bytes at CS:EIP:
01104C08: 8B 43 28 55 56 8B F0 8B .C(UV...
01104C10: E8 C1 EE 02 C1 ED 1F 83 ........
Stack Dump:
00C2FBF4: 00000001
00C2FBF8: 8000FFFF 80004000 + BFFF
00C2FBFC: 00000000
00C2FC00: 01003F58 01000000 + 3F58 (ACID40K.DLL)
00C2FC04: 00000000
00C2FC08: 00000003
00C2FC0C: 01002A70 01000000 + 2A70 (ACID40K.DLL)
00C2FC10: 8007000E 8001D000 + 5300E
00C2FC14: 012F9FD0 012D0000 + 29FD0
00C2FC18: 04F38660 04C70000 + 2C8660
00C2FC1C: 00A00000 00A00000 + 0
00C2FC20: 00000041
00C2FC24: 00000041
00C2FC28: 012F9FD0 012D0000 + 29FD0
00C2FC2C: 00000000
00C2FC30: 00000000
> 00C2FC40: 01009C76 01000000 + 9C76 (ACID40K.DLL)
> 00C2FC44: 011D61C0 01000000 + 1D61C0 (ACID40K.DLL)
00C2FC4C: 00000000
> 00C2FC50: 00480EBD 00400000 + 80EBD (ACID40.EXE)
00C2FC54: 04D1EB00 04C70000 + AEB00
00C2FC58: 00C2FC84 00B20000 + 10FC84
00C2FC5C: 00C2FC80 00B20000 + 10FC80
00C2FC60: 07581120 07190000 + 3F1120
> 00C2FC8C: 004687D5 00400000 + 687D5 (ACID40.EXE)
- - -
00C2FFF0: 332F2216 1A480000 + 18E72216
00C2FFF4: 83C68FEC 83C49000 + 1FFEC
00C2FFF8: BFF7A24F BFF60000 + 1A24F (KERNEL32.DLL)
00C2FFFC: 00000000

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