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Subject:External Audio
Posted by: equinoxx
Date:11/4/2002 1:16:29 AM

I am upgrading to Acid 4.0 soon, but I still have questions about what kinds
of external devices or audio plug-ins to buy to enhance vocal recording for
Acid products. I have keyboards, guitars and other instruments that I plug
in and they record fine, but when it comes to using a microphone and
recording vocals directly into my pc, I don't have a clear and crisp sound like
I want. I mix the sounds as well as I can, but I still feel that even if I
upgrade to the Acid 4.0 and keep Soundforge and all other Sonic products, I
will eventually need to buy an external recording device for vocals. Does anyone
have any recommendations?

Give me some feedback,


Subject:RE: External Audio
Reply by: vanblah
Date:11/4/2002 9:46:45 AM

A good microphone and good pre-amp.

Of course, that's semi-subjective ... what sounds good to one person may not sound good to another. For instance, I use a CAD Equitek 200 microphone (I've had it for several years). I use a Joe Meek C3 for the preamp sometimes, and other times I use the preamps from a Studiomaster Mixdown Gold (an old British mixing console) and then I usually run vocals and acoustic guitar/piano through a Behringer Magician. The ONLY outboard recording gear I have is the Behringer Magician, a PreSonus ACP88 and the Joe Meek. I don't really need the StudioMaster except for the preamps (and the EQ on the rare occasion that I record drums).

It really comes down to what you can afford to get the sound you want.

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