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Subject:auto trim/crop, sf vs. batch converter
Posted by: jeffmott
Date:10/29/2002 1:33:11 AM

why are the options for auto trim/crop slightly different between sound forge and batch converter? the batch converter always seems to trim off more than if I had done it manually. i brought the decible limit down to match the setting in sf under trim silence from ends preset but the two programs do not share the same Function selection box options.

Subject:RE: auto trim/crop, sf vs. batch converter
Reply by: jeffmott
Date:10/29/2002 10:56:38 PM

does anyone at least see what I'm talking about?

Subject:RE: auto trim/crop, sf vs. batch converter
Reply by: RiRo
Date:10/30/2002 8:01:55 AM

I don't even know what I'm talking about... how am I supposed to know what you're talking about?

Actually, I use the autocrop, but I have never used it in batch converter. Sorry I cannot help.


Subject:RE: auto trim/crop, sf vs. batch converter
Reply by: Buzzbe
Date:10/31/2002 12:39:28 AM

I see what you're saying. the plug-in property presets are not the same in sf6 and bc5. there are other problems that I am having (maybe you too?). The "DC offset" goes though the motions but does'nt correct the dc offset in the sound file. Also if "Normalize" is used before "Auto Trim Crop" in a plug-in chain the file is not normalized! There are other problems like this in bc6 USELESS. I tryed the so called tech support - total waste of time - Is it this program or just me haveing problems?

Subject:RE: auto trim/crop, sf vs. batch converter
Reply by: jeffmott
Date:10/31/2002 12:59:05 PM

> The "DC offset" goes though the motions but does'nt correct the dc offset in the
> sound file

actually, I fed bc5 a file with a positive offset. set bc to autodetect and remove and it ended up increasing the magnitude of the offset, pushed it further away from 0.

> Also if "Normalize" is used before "Auto Trim Crop" in a plug-in chain the file is
> not normalized!

yup, checked this and happens to me too.

Subject:RE: auto trim/crop, sf vs. batch converter
Reply by: drpockets
Date:11/12/2002 3:58:09 PM


I also recently discovered the DC offset bug in BC. I had a series of 47 poorly recorded voiceover bits, all of which had a serious negative DC offset (and were 8-bit, had low-end clunks periodically, and the occasional clipped peak). A perfect call for the Batch Converter!

But it was just rotten and wasted a lot of my time. Some effects work perfectly, like noise reduction, but DC-offset and clipped peak restoration did not perform as expected. Since both internal and DirectX effects exhibit these symptoms, there must be something very sloppy about the implementation of this Batch Converter.

Fortunately, I still keep SF 4.5 installed so I can use CD Architect 4.0, so I used the batch converter built into that version. Everything works perfectly, though the interface left much to be desired. So when BC became a standalone app, what happened to the functionality? Perhaps someone from SF reads these threads. I'll send in on to SF tech support to see what happens.

Not much help, I'm afraid, but I'm in the same boat. If you have access to SF 4.5, you can get the job done there.

All the best,

Mark Pfaff

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