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Subject:maybe we´re lucky...
Posted by: kaisa
Date:10/25/2002 8:48:28 PM

...acid 4.0a on echo layla works! 99 %!

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:10/25/2002 10:28:32 PM

Both my Audiophile 2496 (with M-Audio's beta drivers for Windows XP/2000) and USB Duo work just fine too.


Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: oddboy
Date:10/26/2002 1:46:59 AM

whats the 1% with the Layla?

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: DjXSoundz
Date:10/26/2002 1:08:58 PM

My MIA ECHO works perfect, its like mD's audiophile with BLANCED INS AND OUTS !!!

lyla is a multitracker or laptop one right?

dj xsoundz

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: dkistner
Date:10/26/2002 2:16:05 PM

Dj, I'm glad to hear about your Mia working great. I've got one on the way. I'm trying to decide if I want to try to keep my SB Live! in there, too, or just yank it when I put my Mia in. Are you running two sound cards? I don't have hardware hooked up to my computer; rather, I'm doing everything inside the box. Would it be safer for somebody who doesn't know how to tweak not to have the two cards in there? I can access my soundfonts via software and don't depend on them.

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:10/26/2002 4:52:28 PM

You should be fine as long as you have enough system resources to go around. I used to have an Audiophile and a SB Live in the same system with no problems.

A great tip is to disable your serial and printer ports in your system's BIOS if you're not using them. If you're using a USB mouse, you can also disable the PS/2 mouse port in the BIOS. You can easily free a few IRQ's this way.

Still, if you have no use for Soundfonts or don't play games on your system, consider taking it out and just replacing it with the Mia.

BTW, I use the S/PDIF I/O on the Audiophile, which is also unbalanced (like the Mia's S/PDIF), but then again I've never had a problem with interference. *shrug* Needed the MIDI I/O for my guitar effects processor, something the Mia doesn't have. It just all depends on what you need/want.


Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: kaisa
Date:10/28/2002 3:07:23 AM

I don´t know so far, oddboy, but I guess something will come up...

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: kaisa
Date:10/28/2002 3:09:05 AM

Thats right, DjXSoundz, you can check out

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: oddboy
Date:10/28/2002 3:47:43 AM

Well I feel like the guy at the party who doesnt fit in.

Ive got a Layla 24 and Im geting stutters (upon pause in WMP or if double clicking a plugin window in acid)), clicks and pops , lost communication.
The first soundcard they sent didnt even work so they replaced it.
Now Ive had sporadic behavior as mentioned.

Wow , im missing my old digi 001

It SUCKS, I know 2 guys who have Layl;as and they say they work perfectly too.

I ssuppose i might need to tweek my system but its beyond me what to do.

tech support always just says" reinstall the drivers" LAME!!!!

dell dimention 8200
pentium 4
600 mgs ram
echo layla24 6.04 (slot 3)
windows xp home

how do I tell if i have an irq conflict

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: dkistner
Date:10/28/2002 5:52:13 AM

mD, thanks for the tips. I'm sure my partner would love to disable my printer port. All I do is waste ink and create more unread piles. :)

I DO use soundfonts, but via VSTis that allow them to be imported. It's my understanding that the path in this case is not through the soundcard...correct me if I'm wrong. Darn, I wish that Mia would get here.

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: kaisa
Date:10/28/2002 7:53:42 AM

could be several problems oddboy - suggest that you first change slot, try #1 for your layla...this could also solve irq-problems...

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: spesimen
Date:10/28/2002 10:36:03 AM

could you guys with layla's working post some more system info (chipset, mobo, OS, processor)?

i use a gina24 with 6.04 drivers, but ASIO does not work without stuttering and skipping during playback. MME works fine though.

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: TeeCee
Date:10/28/2002 10:58:20 AM

I'm glad you're happy with your Mia with Balanced Ins and Outs, but what do you have your balanced channels connected to? And remember, many want/need the MIDI port on the Audiophile.


Subject:RE: spesimen: system info
Reply by: kaisa
Date:10/28/2002 4:47:17 PM

GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 8, 866mhz
Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG, 11/15/01
512 MB RAM
Win2k Professional (Build 2195)
Layla24 with 6.04 drivers
Aopen Ax 3sp pro motherboard

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: oddboy
Date:10/29/2002 1:21:28 AM

I swapped my card and now have the layla on irq 19 all by itself and in slot 1 (just below the video card that is).
Still getting stutters...this is asio...I suppose I could try MME.


ok mme is not stuttering in acid....i still need asio though vegas i still have stuttering when jumping around the timeline.

so as it stands now ... ican have lower soft syth latency or no stuttering in acid

theres got to be an ansewer to this

Anyone know of any other settings??

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: Polaris20
Date:10/29/2002 11:23:29 AM

My machine with an Echo Mia crashes like a bitch. I'm tired of it. I'm going back to Cubase, which is really way more complicated and more than I need, but at least it doesn't crash every 2 minutes. What a piece of shit.

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: TeeCee
Date:10/29/2002 1:57:55 PM

We'll miss your eloquent way with words. If your computer is the only one that's crashing every 2 minutes, maybe it's something with your system. Remember, there's always 4.0b.


Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: Solafide
Date:10/29/2002 3:43:09 PM

I have a mia card and had the same problem, so I did a clean install of xp and it has not crashed since (more than a month ago). I can even run my asio drivers at 128 samples and cpu at 75% usage with smooth performance (no crackles or pops even when moving things around). I thought my system was clean and maintained well, but I obviously missed something, because the clean install made all the difference.

By the way, I guss I consider myself one of the lucky ones as well.

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: oddboy
Date:10/29/2002 6:06:00 PM

Im still trying to get this right

Is this correct???

In asio control panel in acid

Lower buffer = decrease latency + decrease performance
Higher buffer = increase latency + increase performance

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: TeeCee
Date:10/29/2002 6:18:37 PM

It depends what you mean by decrease performance. Small buffers offer lower latency and better response to live input at the cost of more CPU usage.


Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: Solafide
Date:10/29/2002 6:19:32 PM


Yes the lower the buffer seting the lower the latency, which in turn increases the chances of disruption to the audio flow. With well writen asio drivers and a half decent system, you should be able to minimise the latency and still have stability and avoid pops, etc. Personaly I set my asio buffers at 512. This gives me very low latency and yet I have no problems with audio disruption. You just have to find the right ballance for your system. As you lower the buffers you should not notice decreased performance, until you have gone too far and your system can no longer bear the load.

Hope this helps.

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: Polaris20
Date:10/30/2002 9:29:02 AM

"We'll miss your eloquent way with words. If your computer is the only one that's crashing every 2 minutes, maybe it's something with your system. Remember, there's always 4.0b.


I'm sure that's it. After all, Cubase VST 5.1 runs flawlessly, as does Acid Pro 3 and Sound Forge.

If it's my computer, then you had better tell Steinberg, because they're doing something wrong with Cubase to get it to run on my computer without crashing a single time.

I'm just saying I shouldn't have to wait to 4.0b, c,d,e,f,g,h,i whatever to get a "pro" program to work right.

I love the app. I really do. It's just frustrating and it's impeding my ability to write music when I have to reboot every 2 takes.

Cubase gets the job done. I just don't like it's interface, and I miss the loop simplicity.

Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: TeeCee
Date:10/30/2002 10:04:53 AM

Why would you assume that Acid is using your PC in the same way that CuBase is? And as for waiting for a Pro app to work right, I don't use CuBase because I don't think I should have to wait until version 5 to get a good working program. Sorry, but many are using Acid Pro 4.0a with success, including myself. Maybe you should re-install the latest versionof DirectX. It's worth a shot.


Subject:RE: maybe we´re lucky...
Reply by: Polaris20
Date:10/30/2002 10:50:02 AM

Both use ASIO drivers, one works flawlessly, the other does not.

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