Beta updated: build 59

SonyDennis wrote on 10/21/2002, 6:34 PM
An update to the CD Architect 5 beta has been posted at:

- Hopefully we've resolved many of the drive scan/burn issues
- Improvements to the extract dialog
- Image file read/write
- Second audio layer for complex mixing and crossfades

Although it's recommended that you uninstall and re-install, I had no problems just installing it on top of my old version. It does reset your prefs.

Enjoy, and please keep up the great feedback!



Weka wrote on 10/21/2002, 9:46 PM
Thumbs up from Weka. Give me my keypad gap entry and you may have the rest of the week off!
Thanks Dennis
Weka wrote on 10/21/2002, 11:02 PM
IMO, when we 'Select to end of events', both upper and lower tracks should highlight NOT just the current track - to enable synchronised slipping.
AND what's the odds of viewing the gap duration highlighted on the track bar(as one does by mousing the track bar) when hitting 6/4 alt6/alt4 and shift6/shift4. That would be useful?
brokenrecords wrote on 10/22/2002, 12:19 PM
Congrats on a great product!
One question..
I assembled a complicated master with many fades and was surprised when I went to burn it did not meet red book standards because 2 seconds were not inserted before track one.

Im wondering, isnt this supposed to do this automatically before song 1 or is this something the user needs to keep in mind at the start of each project?

CDM wrote on 10/22/2002, 12:57 PM
I believe they know about this and it should (in the final version) make the first track automatically at 2 seconds.