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Subject:Preferences/Editing/Tempo PROBLEM!
Posted by: dkistner
Date:10/19/2002 5:56:57 AM

I sometimes work in very slow tempos for drones and background textures. Unlike in the first 4.0, 4.0a build 237 does not allow me to change the slow end of the tempo setting to below 40. It's gotta be 29, and I cannot get it to that.

This is a DRAG! What's the IMMEDIATE workaround, because I have work I have to get out! Woke up at 4:30 a.m. to do it, too, because I'm behind schedule enough without this surprise snafu.

Subject:RE: Preferences/Editing/Tempo PROBLEM!
Reply by: dkistner
Date:10/19/2002 6:08:43 AM

Another thing: If you go into List Editor and try to edit the tempo, and it's under Acid's minimum setting of 40, it will CHANGE it in the List Editor to 40! Not good.

Subject:RE: Preferences/Editing/Tempo PROBLEM!
Reply by: slcrz
Date:10/19/2002 6:32:20 AM

get all of u tracks in LOOP mode and double the number of beats of each track...
in that case if u set the minimum tempo to 40bpm and u double the beats number u'll get a equivalent tempo of 20 Bpm...

hope this help !

Subject:RE: Preferences/Editing/Tempo PROBLEM!
Reply by: pwppch
Date:10/19/2002 11:54:57 AM

Any tempo entry made in the list editor is ignored. ACID uses the project tempos and the time line tempo markers exclusively when it comes to MIDI.

Basically, all tempo Meta events in MIDI files are ignored by ACID.


Subject:RE: Preferences/Editing/Tempo PROBLEM!
Reply by: dkistner
Date:10/20/2002 8:00:25 AM

slcrz, thank you for this tip. I'll try it. But what a hassle.

Peter, please address this "40 is lowest acceptable tempo" problem ASAP! If you've got to hard-code a minimum in your code, make it something like 10. Please!

Subject:RE: Preferences/Editing/Tempo PROBLEM!
Reply by: TeeCee
Date:10/21/2002 1:50:13 PM

Doubling the beat count won't work for MIDI loops, just audio loops. I know, not good info.


Subject:RE: Preferences/Editing/Tempo PROBLEM!
Reply by: dkistner
Date:10/22/2002 5:00:52 AM

No, TeeCee, definitely not good info. :(

Subject:RE: Preferences/Editing/Tempo PROBLEM!
Reply by: TeeCee
Date:10/22/2002 9:06:19 AM

You could rework your MIDI loops, still not good info, though. Unless there's a quick way to convert them to cut time (or is it double time).


Subject:RE: Preferences/Editing/Tempo PROBLEM!
Reply by: dkistner
Date:10/22/2002 9:32:17 AM

A different tool would probably be the better solution. :(

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