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Subject:Sound Forge 4.5 & Windows 2000?
Posted by: chukyo
Date:10/17/2002 12:11:00 AM

Hi there. Please forgive if this is an FAQ but.....

The school where I teach is upgrading all machines in the student lab to Windows 2000. I'd like to know if we can continue to use the Sound Forge 4.5 that is currently installed or if we will be forced to upgrade. Thanks.

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 4.5 & Windows 2000?
Reply by: kryten
Date:10/17/2002 10:45:27 PM

I have run it successfully on Win2k and am currently running it on WinXP. I doubt you'll have any problems. Hope this helps!

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 4.5 & Windows 2000?
Reply by: wedge13
Date:10/18/2002 10:52:43 PM

Same here. Works great, as does CD Architect 4.0g. I have SP2 installed along with all critical updates, and the latest DirectX. I have heard some mixed reviews about SP3 however.

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 4.5 & Windows 2000?
Reply by: chukyo
Date:10/23/2002 7:58:24 AM

Thanks everybody.

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