Pioneer Firmware Revision 1.32

craftech wrote on 10/17/2002, 8:54 AM
A few weeks ago I picked up a Pioneer DVR-104 drive which came with Firmware Revision 1.30. There were notices all over the internet describing a "mandatory" firmware update. I installed the drive and flashed the update to v1.32. I haven't even tried the drive yet and I am reading on the various forums that the new firmware now causes problems with recording at 1x along with several other bugs and there is no way to flash it back.
There is a v1.33 out which is causing even more problems and some people are opening the drives to unsolder the e-prom and shorting it so that it wipes out the firmware so that they can flash older firmware on the drive. That voids the warranty.:

As I haven't even used the drive yet I am wondering if I should return it while I still can. What do those of you who have this firmware revision think?



craigunderhill wrote on 10/17/2002, 9:38 AM
firmware on cd/dvd writers just flat out scares me. i updated mine with no problem...but it still creeps me out. :{
miketree wrote on 10/17/2002, 10:19 AM
What version are you using?
craftech wrote on 10/17/2002, 10:45 AM
Version of ?

Pioneer Firmware version 1.32
VV3 version 3c
DGates wrote on 10/17/2002, 11:58 AM
I installed mine on the Pioneer 7000. No problems after a dozen or so burns.
Slobra98 wrote on 10/18/2002, 3:39 AM
As i stated in a post before, i did have problems with my drive...
The only thing i can notice that went bad was, i can't watch dvd's anymore from the drive.
The only thing i can say for you is, if the drive is acting wierd, send it back and get a new drive.
craftech wrote on 10/18/2002, 8:42 AM
I burned my fist DVD last night and it seemed to work with Pioneer media, The DVD Movie Factory program said it was burning the disc at 18x !!!!. How is that possible?
Paul_Holmes wrote on 10/18/2002, 9:59 AM
It was telling you it was burning it 18 times faster than the slowest CD speed, 150Kb per second (so 18 X 150), which is equivalent to 2X DVD speed.
Jamz wrote on 10/18/2002, 10:28 AM
I updated the firmware in the A04 & A03 with no problems. Very easy but I was a little nervous at first.