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Subject:One more VSTi causing problems - PLZ read in SOFO
Posted by: slcrz
Date:10/16/2002 7:16:47 PM

I got 5 fatal error exception in a row crashing acid 4.0a ,using "Plugsound" VSTi...
SOFO could u check it out for further updates,
demo can be found here


Subject:RE: One more VSTi causing problems - PLZ read in SOFO
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:10/16/2002 10:37:24 PM


I've tested Plugsound with no problems. What exactly were you doing when it crashed on you? Also, does Acid give you an error message or just disappear off the desktop?

- Nick

Subject:RE: One more VSTi causing problems - PLZ read in SOFO
Reply by: slcrz
Date:10/17/2002 5:29:32 AM

Just trying to change patches from plugsound...

gives me a beautifull Exception error message...

U've try the demo only with one patch...I presume so u didn't have to change anything


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