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Subject:newby ?
Posted by: thisdeejay
Date:10/15/2002 11:03:54 PM

Let's say you have 14 tracks, And you have track number 1 edited and ready to save. Can you save it and, or run a group job on the other 13 tracks ?

Subject:RE: newby ?
Reply by: MJhig
Date:10/16/2002 12:41:31 AM

Huh? SoundForge is a 2 track audio editor. If you don't have SoundForge and are asking from that perspective, the answer is no.

Vegas would be what your looking for, although it works differently than your proposal, you can select all tracks and edit and/or apply F/X to all tracks.


Subject:RE: newby ?
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:10/16/2002 12:25:19 PM

Possibly thisdeejay uses the word "tracks" to mean songs. In other words, once the first song is edited, can the same edits be done as a batch to the other songs? Is this what you are asking?

Subject:RE: newby ?
Reply by: djaltitude
Date:10/16/2002 1:18:53 PM

yes.... exactly... I have 80 minutes of mixed music. I recorded and mixed it with acid 4.0. And I have seperated it into 32 tracks or songs.
What I am trying to figure out.... is do I need to turn these 32 tracks back into 1 track so that I can master it..... or can I do a batch session on all the tracks.

Subject:chienworks read this...
Reply by: djaltitude
Date:10/16/2002 2:58:25 PM

yes.... exactly... I have 80 minutes of mixed music. I recorded and mixed it with acid 4.0. And I have seperated it into 32 tracks or songs.
What I am trying to figure out.... is do I need to turn these 32 tracks back into 1 track so that I can master it..... or can I do a batch session on all the tracks.

Subject:RE: chienworks read this...
Reply by: MJhig
Date:10/16/2002 8:29:16 PM

You could use Batch Converter to apply the same processes to all the files but I would not recomend it unless all you want to do is somthing like normalize all of them, then that may be fine but you say "master" them. How can you compare the files without having them all in SF together?

I suggest you load them all into SF (or record them there to start with) then do what you need to do to "master" them, break them into "Regions" then "Extract Regions" to be burned to CD.


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