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Subject:SF phoning home?
Posted by: MarkusH
Date:10/5/2002 4:55:15 PM

Hi everyone,
I just had SF6 close on me without any error (cubase sx and propellerhead reason were running alongside, but did before without problems).
When I started SF again I checked netstat out of curiosity/paranoia (had the feeling there might be a trojan and someone closed the app on me for "fun"), what I found then though wasn't any connections to the outside except:

(german OS, hence the german netbios names)

Whats that about?


edit: SF closing comes from a plugin bug apparently (delaydots multiband pitchshifter, when moving sliders while on "preview", eventually SF will close down).

Subject:RE: SF phoning home?
Reply by: RiRo
Date:10/5/2002 5:39:26 PM

My understanding SF checks to see if there are updates. There is an autonotify feature somewhere that you can turn off to prevent this, but it seems harmless enough.


Subject:RE: SF phoning home?
Reply by: inspector
Date:10/8/2002 7:57:12 AM

I haven't tried to turn it off, I blocked that site with a software firewall.


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