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Subject:.pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Posted by: FuTz
Date:10/2/2002 6:16:47 PM

I got a problem: I've been preparing a few files in SOundForgeStudio6 to open them afterwhile in Acid Pro 4 so I could create original loops from different sounds taken here and there (let's say it this way...).
My problem is that the files, saved as .pca files, just partially open in APro4. I mean, I just can paint the end of the clips on the timeline AND when I get a preview via the explorer (still in APro4) the actual clip will play totally wrong... high pitched , etc...
SO, I opened it in my VegasVideo3 with no problem in the explorer except for one file I saved as .wav : the icon is Photoshop's icon (instead of the usual WinMedia icon I get...)!
And if I open it right on the desk in SOundForgeStudio6, the clips are OK...

What's the problem?

AMD Athlon 1000
Win2000 spack3
3x128 memory

Subject:RE: PCA files: can just open last part in APro4...
Reply by: FuTz
Date:10/2/2002 6:45:22 PM

Now I've upgraded to APro4.0a
Not more working...

Subject:RE: PCA files: can just open last part in APro4...
Reply by: CDM
Date:10/2/2002 7:09:51 PM

hmmm. I have a dual athlon and 4.0a and I can import .pca files just fine. Are they 44.1 16bit stereo?

Subject:RE: PCA files: can just open last part in APro4...
Reply by: FuTz
Date:10/2/2002 7:57:41 PM

Yes, exactly. SForgeStudio won't give more than that...44100:16

Subject:RE: PCA files: can just open last part in APro4...
Reply by: FuTz
Date:10/3/2002 2:59:16 PM

What's bizarre is that a few files, in the same format, open just like it should. But for a few of them, only the last part of the loop will open, like splitting the loop somewhere in the middle and just importing the "tail"...

Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: drwwi
Date:10/4/2002 12:45:09 AM

Hey Futz,

1. "ACID 4.0 only painting in the tail of the loop"

Go to Options -> Snapping and enable snapping. Perhaps without snapping enabled, you start painting from the middle of the loop? Or right click on the loop event and go to properties. Any offset set here?

2. "High pitch playback from the explorer window"

Try this: Add the pca file to your acid project. Right-click the track and select "Use Original Tempo". Now playback the pca file in the explorer window. The explorer window will preview the file at the project tempo set in ACID. I believe this is intentional on Sofo's part.

Hope this helps.


Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: FuTz
Date:10/4/2002 3:34:28 PM

I had my snapping option enabled. So I tried to uncheck the function: no change.

I then went in the offset (properties) and putting it to "0" value doesn't change the lenght of the loop, it just kind of "scrolls" the actual loop I'm trying to import inside the "shortened loop" that's on the timeline. I still can't draw more than half the lenght of the original loop.

Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: FuTz
Date:10/4/2002 8:41:20 PM

I just discovered something: if I take the pen and draw the loop, I only get a small part of it,like I said. Usually the end of the loop. But I move this loop on the right so it's in the middle of the timeline and then, I stretch ("ctrl+drag") it on the left and NOW the rest of the loop *appears*. AND this is good for both ".pca" and ".wav" files!
WHY? Why can't I just draw it as a whole from the start?

Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:10/4/2002 11:47:08 PM

Try this:

While holding down CTRL on your keyboard plus using the Paint Tool, click anywhere to paint the entire event in one shot.

I'm not sure it'll work from the sounds of your other posts, but try it anyway.


Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: FuTz
Date:10/6/2002 5:37:40 PM

I tried and it does exactly the same as using the pencil, e.g.: just "draws" a small part of the loop and I have to use "ctrl+drag" to stretch it to the original size it should be if everything worked properly...
Thanks for the tip...
I also tried to reinstall (repair mode) Acid but, still, no change...

Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:10/8/2002 1:30:50 PM

Are these files opening as beatmaps, one shots, or loops?

If beatmaps, all of this makes perfect sense. There's a beatmap offset in files, which is the beginning point of your drawing. And if you have the 'preserve pitch' checkbox unchecked, then you'd get different pitches than in Sound Forge.


Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: FuTz
Date:10/8/2002 2:59:04 PM

Exactly! The offset is 139850 in every loop. It is a normal thing? What do I have to do to get the whole loop ? And how come there's this offset every time?

Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:10/8/2002 3:13:58 PM

I'm not following you completely. You're saying I was exactly right, but you're saying the tracks are loops. There are three track-types--loops, one-shots, and beatmaps, which are you seeing?

How long are these files generally?
Did you do anything to set the ACID properties in Forge?


Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: FuTz
Date:10/8/2002 3:38:41 PM

These tracks are beatmap tracks. I wrongly call them "loops" (I figured out every sound event was a "loop" in Acid). My fault.
These tracks are around 5 seconds long.

I didn't even know I could set any properties in Sound Forge Studio for Acid... I'm going to check it out right now...

Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:10/8/2002 5:57:01 PM

Still, something seems a little weird here. If they're five seconds long, by default, they'd open as loops in ACID 4.

The only way I'm clearly seeing to reproduce the situation you're seeing is to:
1. create a five second .pca file in Forge.
2. in ACID, go to Options/Prefs/Audio, and changing the "open files as loops if between" setting's upper bound to 4.0 seconds.
3. then bringing the file in, and going through the beatmap wizard.
4. then drawing an event out and double-clicking reveals (for me) an offset of 1, 104 samples.

Is that at all close to what you were seeing?


Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: FuTz
Date:10/8/2002 10:24:09 PM

Yes! For me it gives 1 103 samples off beat...
I'm still trying to figure out, though, why I can't draw the whole 5 seconds track in one trait... There's something I obviously don't get here...

Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: FuTz
Date:10/9/2002 11:51:30 AM

Is it normal, which means I'll have to "stretch" every time?
From what you know (the reproduction of the situation), would you suggest a better way to work out things?
I'm sorry, I'm really new to this and sometimes I get "Vegas" reflexes on how to operate the program...

Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:10/10/2002 2:53:37 PM

If you want this portion of the app to behave like Vegas, simply cancel out of the beatmap wizard, and use the file as a one-shot. Or go into track properties, and switch the track-type from beatmap to one-shot.

The deal with beatmapped tracks is that when you start drawing an event in them, the event starts at the *downbeat*, which is set in the beatmap wizard (or track properties). This is by design, so that you don't have to crop off the beginning of your media each time you draw it.


Subject:RE: .pca files: can just open last end of loop in APro4...
Reply by: FuTz
Date:10/11/2002 9:47:36 AM

Thanks for your replies. So now I know everything's normal in that department... I'll try the solution you gave me to make it more like "Vegas", which I'm pretty used to right now to see if I like it more. Maybe after a while I'll come back to more "standard" settings in Acid.
Thanks again!

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