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Subject:tassman tempo sync
Posted by: groovewerx
Date:9/30/2002 12:45:19 AM

has anyone successfully synced tassman vsti to a project tempo in acid or any other?

how did you do it?

Subject:RE: tassman tempo sync
Reply by: fuzzy
Date:9/30/2002 6:22:26 PM

I'm guessing there is a general VSTi sync' problem that has yet to be corrected. Fruityloops VSTi will not sync properly either - go here and read the last few posts of the thread, and see if that sounds familiar.

If you are experiencing different symptoms, then I suggest you reply with a more detailed description; what exactly is the sync'ing problem you're experiencing; what are your system spec's, etc.


Subject:RE: tassman tempo sync
Reply by: groovewerx
Date:9/30/2002 9:33:27 PM

i'll try this again:

i want to sync the tassman to any vsti host's clock tempo (cubase, sonar, fruity loops, acid etc).

has anyone done this? if so, how?

nothing to do with having problems... i only want the info.

Subject:RE: tassman tempo sync
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:10/1/2002 11:04:08 AM

It sounds like it might not be listening for the tempo or position info we send:


"While we loved the sound quality and wide range of instruments, we found it a bit difficult to understand in some respects. For example we found it difficult to get presets with step sequencers and such to sync up with Cubase's tempo. We'd like it if Tassman would automatically sync to the tempo and activate it's step sequencers when Cubase starts up, such as Reaktor does. Maybe we just missed something."

Since we use the same methods as Cubase to send tempo and position info the plug-in when we start playback, it's possible that it's simply not yet a feature of the Tassman.


Subject:RE: tassman tempo sync
Reply by: slcrz
Date:10/1/2002 4:04:14 PM

I've issued another sync problem with "energy pro" in a past post on this forum


"Since we use the same methods as Cubase to send tempo and position info the plug-in when we start playback"

Nate,how is it possible that u use the same methods,when energy pro Syncs perfectly in Cubase and not in acid ?

Subject:RE: tassman tempo sync
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:10/1/2002 4:35:10 PM

There is a standard way for a VST host to give tempo and position information to a VST instrument when playback is started or position/tempo changes. This is what was implemented that allows FruityLoops to follow ACID during playback, the FM7 to sync to tempo, etc.

It seems that some instruments may be picky about how this information is provided, or there could be other reasons that this info isn't being accessed properly. These are exceptions to the "standard", and must be looked at on a case-by-case basis.

Having looked into the Tassman question a bit more, I have found that it has nothing to do with the above. It does not request tempo or position information, and, as a result, doesn't sync with ACID, Cubase, or any other host through this method.


Subject:RE: tassman tempo sync
Reply by: slcrz
Date:10/2/2002 5:46:31 AM

that doesn't answer anything ,nate...
If Acid was sending timing info as cubase,any VSTi working under CUbase should work fine in Acid...but it's not the case.

And again a small VSTi like ENergy Pro( or other) has to be written in a standart way for it to work under CUbase,so it's not a matter of VSTi, it's Simply Acid that doesn't send timing Info the right way...

I'm I wrong ??

Subject:RE: tassman tempo sync
Reply by: groovewerx
Date:10/2/2002 6:43:16 AM

hmmm... tassman and a rare few won't sync because it's does'nt send/receive position and tempo messages.

so would the work-a-round be to program tassman and record it's output, then use the beatmapper on the resulting .wav to determine the project tempo or is there another way?

Subject:RE: tassman tempo sync
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:10/2/2002 10:35:04 AM


We're working on a possible fix for Energy/EnergyPro as I type this. My statement above wasn't intended to be an "excuse", but more of a reminder that while there are plenty of SDK's in the software world, it's virtually impossible to find one that has a single, solid implementation that is well documented and allows for flawless compatibility across the board. There will always be software that strays outside the lines, has a different interpretation of the spec, etc. We are trying to take care of each of these cases as they come up.


Subject:RE: tassman tempo sync
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:10/2/2002 10:35:20 AM


Yes, the workaround for the Tassman (or other synths that do not sync to host tempo) would be to record it and beatmap. Alternately, if you don't need tempo sync to drive a sequencer within the synth (i.e. you just want LFO or effect sync), you could select your ACID project tempo, spend some time tweaking LFO's and the such to sync (manually), then hope you never decide you want to change your project tempo again :)


Subject:RE: tassman tempo sync
Reply by: groovewerx
Date:10/2/2002 2:53:37 PM

ok nate...its time for a sonic foundry styled doctor click.

Subject:RE: tassman tempo sync
Reply by: slcrz
Date:10/2/2002 7:04:08 PM

Tx for the reply Nate,
Sorry I didn't mean to put u in a defense position...

Anyway, I'm please to hear u working on fixes for some VSTi,
talking about fixes did u check the LOUNGE LIZARD issue with acid(Note getting Stucked,like a pedal sustain is on all the time...),again the problem doesn't occurs in Cubase.
PLZ check it out that VSTi really deserve to be on top !

Cheers & keep up the great work.

Subject:RE: tassman tempo sync
Reply by: pwppch
Date:10/2/2002 9:38:23 PM

The Lounge Lizard stuck note bug has been fixed. Will be in the next update.

The host does not send sync information, it is up to the plugin to ask for it.

Energy Pro uses one of the VSTi defined ways to get tempo. It was asking, but a probelm in ACID caused a tempo of 120 to be returned in all cases. This has been fixed for the next updated.

Tassman does not ask for tempo or meter information. There is no way for it to sync to the host tempo.


Subject:RE: tassman tempo sync
Reply by: slcrz
Date:10/3/2002 4:18:41 AM

Allright !!!!
Only good news here...can't wait to get my hand on this update...
Let the work begin (soon)

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