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Subject:loop lib. sug.
Posted by: dougoberle
Date:9/27/2002 9:34:33 PM

Hello - I'd like to see loop libraries of the following:

violin/viola solos and cadenzas: the orchestral series was lacking in these, and they can fit into any genera of music.

piano/classic keyboards: concert grand, upright, fender rhodes and hammond. Riffs and solos for classical, jazz, blues, rock, etc. Platinum Loops seem to be the only ones who have made a library of good piano loops.

harmonica: for blues, folk and jazz. I don't believe that anyone has done this yet.

While you folks are putting out astounding products, the market seems to be over-saturated with drums and atmospheres. How about some of the instruments above...


Subject:RE: loop lib. sug.
Reply by: The_Internal
Date:9/28/2002 11:10:21 PM

Hear. Hear.

Throw in some French Horns and Oboes while ya'll are at it.

By the way, when are ya'll going to release the 8pack loop library I've heard rumours about? I'd be more than thrilled to see that come out (and would be even more thrilled if ya'll gave me a copy. I did make a featured 8pack, after all ^_^)

Live, love, and be well,
Kevin D.

Subject:RE: loop lib. sug.
Reply by: salad
Date:9/29/2002 9:40:10 AM

Which 8 pack did you feature?
How long ago did they start the free DL of 8 packs?

Subject:RE: loop lib. sug.
Reply by: Jessariah
Date:9/29/2002 10:33:00 PM

I think the free DL of 8 packs is about 2 years old or so (I actually had the 100th, and it was about 2 months ago).

Different Kevin here, but I've had 3 featured -- the latest is this week's -- Electrospective. Be sure to check it out.

Subject:RE: loop lib. sug.
Reply by: dkistner
Date:9/30/2002 9:21:14 AM

Since I always have trouble finding the download page for the 8Packs, I put this link in my favorites:

I also set myself a reminder to go every Friday or Saturday and check for the latest, because otherwise I forget and it's gone. I wonder: Is there an archive of the older 8Packs that have been being released since the beginning?

I second the request posted here for loops. But I prefer string loops that are less articulated and more suitable for stringing together to make my own subtle melodic structures. A 16-bar melodic loop is probably too much "somebody else's." And I'd love to have some really good "New Age" and meditation-style backgrounds. There's gracious plenty hard stuff out there already, IMO.

Subject:RE: loop lib. sug.
Reply by: salad
Date:9/30/2002 11:12:59 AM

Yeah, I,ve got a SoFo folder with that same link :D, and a link to "Forums" & "Downloads".

2 years of 8 packs! WOW!
Where are those archives? Where's this "CD of the first year of 8 packs": "A $59 value"?
Still in the making?

Electrospective: Excellent! I love it, and.......just before login' in here, I had just come from the Loop Library Page, and ordered: Mick Fleetwood, Ugly Remnants 2, Ilona, and that Electo World Percussion. This is my first purchase of loops from SoFo...or from anywhere. I like the free shipping and special price on 4 or more...

Any recommendations on other Libraries(Everyone..MUST HAVE!)?
Thanks to, some freebie loops included with Vidfactory, VV, and Acid...I seem to have enough drums for now.
Would like to buy a few more in November, then perhaps start the New Year off with the Subscrition Series!?

Kevin, nice work & thank you! What other ones did you do? I only have the last 12 months of 8 packs.........some are REALLY COOL!, but ALL have been useful. It was the 8 packs that finally made me purchase Acid 3 and AP4, so thanks all!

Subject:RE: loop lib. sug.
Reply by: Jessariah
Date:9/30/2002 2:59:38 PM

The other 8 Packs I did were "Dyno-Saur" and "On The Move." They both were soundtracks to videos that you can view here if you're interested (On the Move is the theme for the "Y Group" video).

As for the subscription series -- YES YES YES. If you keep your eyes peeled, they sometimes offer it for $229 plus 2 free libraries. Do that and you're getting the libraries for less than $20 bucks each. Of course, you may not be "into" the particular genre that they choose on any given month, but you're still getting a deal (owning a production company, there's no "that isn't my style" about it, so I think it's the best thing since sliced bread.)

As for the libraries, pick them up four at a time and snag those specials that are offered on the 8 Packs page and you'll be able to build your collection for about $40 a pop -- not bad.

Subject:RE: loop lib. sug.
Reply by: salad
Date:9/30/2002 5:48:40 PM

Hmmmm....Dyno-Saur rings a bell, not sure about On the Move......I'll look for those tonight.
$229..........Whoa! My luck, I'll never see this deal.
I'll be happy with any "genre by the month", I'm sure there's something I will like in each release.
I don't have B/B here, so I don't know if I can view the vids. I'll try!


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