Acoustic Mirror...where do I start?

jmpatrick wrote on 9/18/2002, 8:27 PM
I want to try Acoustic Mirror, but I'm not sure where to start. I downloaded all the updated impuses, and I can pull them up in A.M. However, other than a copyright date and author, there is no description of what the Impulses are supposed to do. What am I missing? is there some sort of tutorial of manual that I can follow?




SonyEPM wrote on 9/19/2002, 8:32 AM
Load Acoustic Mirror as a track effect, pop open the track fx dialog, select Acoustic Mirror, then click the "?" in the upper right to bring up online help. That'll give you plenty of info to get started.
jmpatrick wrote on 9/20/2002, 5:54 PM
OK, I can see that. However, when I look through the folder full of Impulses, all I see is non-descript file names. Is there somewhere I can get a description of what the individual Impulses do?

SonyEPM wrote on 9/23/2002, 8:40 AM
You'll have to listen to the impulses to get a feel for what they do. When you find some setting you like (stock or modified by you) save it off as a template with a friendly name so you can find it easily.
jmpatrick wrote on 9/23/2002, 9:35 AM
I must be missing something here. Are you saying I need to browse through almost 900 impulses to figure out what they do? Isn't there some sort of catalog, description...or any documentation that you can point me to give me an idea where to start looking for certain types of impulses.

PipelineAudio wrote on 9/23/2002, 10:34 AM
if you need to get up and running quick, I made a few impulses that are pretty clear on what tey do.
jmpatrick wrote on 9/23/2002, 10:41 AM
Send 'em over!

BarryB wrote on 9/23/2002, 12:46 PM
The SoFo guy is missing your question. You defintely are not seeing what you are supposed to. When I open Acous M all the impulses are categorized into folders with names such as Large Rooms, Medium Rooms, Theaters, Churches, Shure Microphones, etc. In each folder are the impulses and each is uniquely named. In the case of the mics, most are named after its model (57, 58, etc) and distance from the mic that it was sampled. The rooms, buildings, theaters are given named after themselves( ex. St. Lukes Church from Balcony, Sonic Foundry Hallway, etc.,). Some descriptions may be pretty vague, but you should at least have an idea of what to expect based on the categorized folders. Perhaps try re-installing the impulses?
PipelineAudio wrote on 9/23/2002, 12:50 PM
on their way...I will send the TC m 5000 preset collection over too if these work for you
drbam wrote on 9/23/2002, 4:01 PM
<<on their way...I will send the TC m 5000 preset collection over too if these work for you>>

Wow Pipeline, while you're in such a generous mood, I'd love to check out your presets!! I'm also just starting to work some with AM and certainly could benefit by someone's prior tweaks. Are yours available for download? Otherwise, my email is

Thanks in advance!

shaunn wrote on 9/25/2002, 10:54 PM
Pipeline: I ask about a month ago about accoustic mirror impulse settings too...I still can't figure out how I can use it usefully...Could you please send me your impulses? thank you

PipelineAudio wrote on 9/25/2002, 11:35 PM
on their way
I still got tons more for you guys, but rather than send the same file over and over, maybe SF has a place to stash em ?
oddboy wrote on 9/26/2002, 12:42 AM
Pipelineaudio- could you Please send implulses to
jmpatrick wrote on 9/26/2002, 6:17 AM
Pipeline, if you send me everything you have, I would be happy to host them if SF can't/won't.

scottjsilverman wrote on 9/29/2002, 6:57 AM
I have the mirrors that SF provides with its software. What directory should I put them in so that I can access them as a Track Effect?
