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Subject:4.0 with Echo Cards?
Posted by: drbam
Date:9/23/2002 10:27:54 AM

I've been monitoring the 4.0 drama closely and noticed that many of the more serious problems seem to relate to Maudio cards/drivers. I'm curious whether any of you currently using 4.0 are using Echo cards and if so what's your experience? Any problems?



Subject:RE: 4.0 with Echo Cards?
Reply by: clarksil
Date:9/23/2002 10:31:29 AM

I am using the Layla, and getting many crashes, to the point I've removed 4 and am going back to v3 until the problems are fixed. Unfortunately for me, Echo no longer supports the 20 bit Layla.

Subject:RE: 4.0 with Echo Cards?
Reply by: aress
Date:9/23/2002 10:44:12 AM

i use the MIA cards in all my workstations with no issues on any software from any manufacturer..... [EXCEPT ACID V4!!!!!!!!]

make sure you have the newest drivers.........

Subject:RE: 4.0 with Echo Cards?
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:9/23/2002 11:33:03 AM

I have been using ACID extensively with the Gina20 and Gina24 and have had nothing but great luck with them. The Gina20 had a couple of issues with ASIO in the development process, but those worked themselves out, and it has been nothing but smooth sailing since.

Hope this helps,

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