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Subject:only two spark plugs
Posted by: PBSound
Date:9/19/2002 3:43:10 AM

I think Acid Pro 4 is like a very expensive car with only two spark plugs, you know SF you can only go down hill form here!

I have to say I am not happy with my recent purchase maybe you could transfer my license to Sound Forge 6 (Pro) working application instead?

Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Reply by: anon
Date:9/19/2002 4:05:53 AM

Cmon, I will say that we did get stuck with a definate beta version of 4.0, but 4.0a will be out soon enough. And even with the bugs I'm loving 4.0. It will be absolutely stellar once it doesn't crash all the time. Even so, you could have downloaded the demo before you bought. It's been widely known since the first few hours of release that it was buggy as hell.-

Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Date:9/19/2002 7:53:22 AM

so that ok then anon?
if you truly believe that 4a will be the bug free holy grail that you think its gonna be then i personally
would like to try some of the chemicals that you are on! im not convinced yet that 3g is totally stable i think 4 not only needs debugging but some major revisions of its short comings concerning vstis and midi

Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Reply by: pwppch
Date:9/19/2002 7:57:58 AM

Please, enumerate the short commings in ACID's MIDI and VSTi support. Be specific if you could.


Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Date:9/19/2002 9:19:17 AM

peter can you honestly ask that ?
the midi is quite a long way off pro specs and you know it i made enough excuses to people trying to use your toytown midi inacid 3 i expected nothing more or less than was available in the mid 90s or earlier on this release, graphic editing of all control info for a start is essential
as for the vstis i have so little sucess all aspects are so bad that they are rendered unusable due to crashes and freezes
i desperatley hoped for best for this release i dont understand your policy of non full implementation of certain aspects
of the last two releases

for record i setup a complete new system just to test v4 nothing on it but windows acid and plugs once with w98se and with a separate drive xp pro and the crashes still occur i tried removing non sofo plugs and still the same problems occur ive tried it on
2.8ghz p4s with 2 gigs of ram amd 2.2ghz with 2gigs of ram and 6 or seven other machines
i am not alone in this
if it worked properly the way it is now i would still need to run a second app for midi and i really think this is a really stupid time
consuming thing to do and stops work flow greatly
i would seriously like to know a typical set that you at sf use to test your progs on because if it works for you perhaps it would be easier for the rest of us just to buy that set up and rid ourselves of the grief and wasted time im not so sure it works that well for you also i hope im wrong
many thanks

Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Reply by: Jacose
Date:9/19/2002 9:31:49 AM

PHATDRUMS, what you say about the crashing is true, but they are trying to fix that now.

Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Reply by: dkistner
Date:9/19/2002 10:16:04 AM

I emailed Brian at SF about this issue, but I'll mention it here in case anyone else is having the problem or knows a workaround.

When I use the DSL Soft Synth for a midi file in Acid 4.0--whatever dls--the first time through a loop it plays the wrong instrument. After it loops back, it will pick up the proper patch. I could deal with this if it rendered out okay, but it doesn't.

Brian suggested I try moving the patch instruction in the List Editor, which I did. In fact, I also tried putting it in three or four times as well. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't; in the meantime, it's taken major time. And I don't know enough about midi to know if it's kosher that the first note of a track often imports in above the patch instruction, but that seems weird to me. I have not been able to determine if this is a problem in the scoring program I export midi from, but I've never had trouble with midis out of that program not playing right in anything other than Acid.

Anyone else have any insight into this?

Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:9/19/2002 3:52:40 PM

I've noticed that every time i try to change the patch information BEFORE the first note in the edit screen, it always gets moved down a line to after the first note. The first time the midi loop is played i hear the default patch (piano) for the first note, then the instrument i've chosen. Subsequent plays will have the chosen instrument play for the first note as well, until the next time i make any changes. Then it's back to piano for the first note again. Weird indeed!

Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Reply by: pwppch
Date:9/19/2002 4:13:45 PM

I am completely serious. You made a statement, and I want to know what you meant by it.

I understand that things are buggy, and we are fixing this. Perhaps when we release the first update you can then provide me some feed back regarding your statements.


Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Reply by: pwppch
Date:9/19/2002 4:14:36 PM

This is being addressed in the first update.


Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Reply by: PBSound
Date:9/20/2002 4:09:00 AM

I sent an email to first thing yesterday, as yet no reply. Or will the email be answered (soon) or are you (working on a reply) or do you not what to be (draw in to definite dates of action)?


Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Reply by: pwppch
Date:9/20/2002 8:21:12 AM

Not sure what you are asking here....

I don't know what CS turn around time is, I am not part of that group. We - in engineering - don't get handed off CS email unless there is a situation that they can't handle. I wouldn't expect their response time to be less than 24-48 hours though. The volume of email they get is HUGE.

Maybe you want to try the 4.0a update that was just posted.


Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Reply by: waynegee
Date:9/20/2002 9:58:48 AM

Peter, I do want to ask about multiple outputs for VSTi's and quantize on recording input...those two features would rock. Any plans for these for the future...5.0, perhaps?

Subject:My apologies, it does have a full set of plugs! Just the wrong set!
Reply by: PBSound
Date:9/20/2002 11:03:52 AM

Ok I have downloaded and installed Acid Pro v4.0a update, and I am amazed.

Amazed that first off I can now actually use it.
Amazed at what I can achieve with it.
But more amazed that SF Development crew has managed to pull together an application that I truly did not think repairable.

My apologies for my earlier comments

Well done!

I have had a go at adding an Extra bus under audio prop. and get this:

Sonic Foundry ACID Pro 4.0
Version 4.0a (Build 237)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0x5 IP:0x510255
In Module 'acid40.exe' at Address 0x400000 + 0x110255
Thread: GUI ID=0x5F0 Stack=0x12C000-0x130000
EAX=00000000 CS=001b EIP=00510255 EFLGS=00210206
EBX=0017afd8 SS=0023 ESP=0012c404 EBP=00000000
ECX=00000000 DS=0023 ESI=0017ac38 FS=003b
EDX=00000005 ES=0023 EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
00510255: 8B 02 52 FF 50 04 83 3E ..R.P..>
0051025D: 04 75 13 8B 4E 08 8B 15 .u..N...
Stack Dump:
0012C404: 00000000
0012C408: 0017AC38 00130000 + 4AC38
0012C40C: 0012CB6C 00030000 + FCB6C
0012C410: 0012CBDC 00030000 + FCBDC
0012C414: 00000000
0012C418: 001B1330 00130000 + 81330
0012C41C: 00000000
0012C420: 0012CBD8 00030000 + FCBD8
0012C424: 0017AFD8 00130000 + 4AFD8
0012C428: 00000001
0012C42C: 00000000
0012C430: 00512EB9 00400000 + 112EB9 (acid40.exe)
0012C434: 00000000
0012C438: 00000000
0012C43C: 00000000
0012C440: 00000000
> 0012C490: 0058006B 00400000 + 18006B (acid40.exe)
> 0012C494: 00410020 00400000 + 10020 (acid40.exe)
> 0012C498: 00490053 00400000 + 90053 (acid40.exe)
0012C49C: 0020004F 00130000 + D004F
> 0012C4A0: 00720044 00400000 + 320044 (acid40.exe)
> 0012C4A4: 00760069 00400000 + 360069 (acid40.exe)
- - -
0012FFF0: 00000000
0012FFF4: 00000000
0012FFF8: 005E9DE4 00400000 + 1E9DE4 (acid40.exe)
0012FFFC: 00000000


Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Reply by: pwppch
Date:9/20/2002 11:10:06 AM

Mulitple VSTi output routing will not be for a 4.0x update.

Input quantize has never been planned, and I would say it isn't needed. You can quantize after the fact. You wouldn't hear the quantize in realtime as this would "mess you up" if the notes were being change while you were playing. What would be more likely is the ability to auto quantize after record, which would only be one manual step removed from the process. I would think that having the actually raw MIDI file that you recorded available so that you can quantize as needed would make more sense.


Subject:RE: only two spark plugs
Reply by: Jacose
Date:9/20/2002 11:13:06 AM

Ive actually never seen "quantize on input"

Id rather quantize after the fact.

Reply by: waynegee
Date:9/21/2002 11:07:49 AM

Reason and Logic have quantize on recording doesn't mess you up as PCH actually don't notice it. I respect SoFo's stance. though. He's right that we can do the quantize manually but the extra help is a timesaver. Oh well. How's 4.0a working for you?

Subject:RE: My apologies, it does have a full set of plugs! Just the wrong set!
Reply by: PBSound
Date:9/23/2002 4:57:54 AM

And will crash!!

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