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Subject:How do turn on my computer?
Posted by: BarryB
Date:9/17/2002 2:11:26 PM

Just kidding...

(we need some humor here)

Subject:RE: How do turn on my computer?
Reply by: MyST
Date:9/17/2002 2:23:03 PM

Don't wear nuthin' but a thong!!
If that doesn't do it, try doing all your work by candlelight.

Subject:RE: How do turn on my computer?
Reply by: fosko
Date:9/17/2002 2:51:18 PM

You have to take off the case/cover and soak it in a mixture1 part bleach/2 parts alchohol. Then...plug it in !!!

Subject:RE: How do turn on my computer?
Reply by: jues
Date:9/18/2002 7:09:48 PM

ARGH! How do I turn it off!!!!!

Subject:RE: How do turn on my computer?
Reply by: Clyde200
Date:9/18/2002 8:58:14 PM

make it stop.....

Subject:RE: How do turn on my computer?
Reply by: Kro
Date:9/24/2002 11:50:17 AM

Step 1. Undo any fasteners and open up the case.

Step 2. Urinate upon the internal circuitry, ensuring that all components are thuroughly doused.

Step 3. Close the case.

Step 4. Wait...and re-hydrate.

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