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Subject:Still confused over Joining 2 files together
Posted by: 55trucker
Date:9/14/2002 11:08:00 AM

Hi there..thx for the reply to my request........but it doesn't work!...i can't get the 2 raw files to join together at all...i load file A,from the load files option, move the cursor to the end of that file in the window..then i go back to the load files option to load the second file, and do so....the second file comes up in the wav window..(at this point one cannot see file A) I click on paste...nothing happens......if i double click on the entire file......then duplicates itslf..don't want that....soo, i erase that, i double click the entire file again,(file B) this time i try copy....that what it does..copies the, now i have a second file made, in the clipboard..i now paste it..and it duplicates itself , pasting to the second file, making it twice as large...i DON'T want that......there seems to be no way to get 2 raw inputted files to join themselves together...What am i doing WRONG??..this is driving me nuts!

Subject:RE: Still confused over Joining 2 files together
Reply by: ibliss
Date:9/14/2002 1:12:44 PM

To get you started, follow these instructions to the letter:

1) Load SoundForge.
2) load File A
3) load File B
4) On the main SoundForge window menu bar, go to 'Window' (next to 'Help') and choose 'Tile Vertically' from the drop down list.
*- you will now see both WAV files in seperate windows next to each other. -*

5) double click on File A wave display, or click'n'drag to highlight a selection.
6) With the mouse pointer over the selection in File A WAV, right click and choose 'Copy' from the menu that appears.
7) Left click once on File B wave display to place the playback cursor at the point from which you want to paste the audio. (this can be at any point - for now it's probably easiest to position the cursor at the end of File B Wav.)
8) right click while the mouse is over File B wave display, and choose 'Paste' from the menu that appears.

More advanced:
1) follow steps 1 thru 6
2) place the cursor in the middle of the File B wave display.
3) experiment with 'paste', 'crossfade' and 'mix' choices from the right click menu.

Mike K

Subject:RE: Still confused over Joining 2 files together
Reply by: 55trucker
Date:9/14/2002 3:13:21 PM

My Goodness!.......Wasn't that Easy!.......Thx Muchly Mike......You told me what it was i needed to do to see both files, one has to split the screen!...thats what was puzzling to see both files to drag'n drop!.....the menu in *Window*.was the option that i was weak on.... thx again....Steve

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