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Subject:Drag and Drop Puzzles
Posted by: 55trucker
Date:9/13/2002 6:19:39 PM

Hello there!....can anyone please tell me ( i should know this by now...i;ve only used #5 for a yr now) does one join 2 wav files together to make one large wav file?..if i start with file A and load it into the wav window, and then load file B afterwards, how do i get file file B to join to file A?. don't understand drag and drop..since only one file appears in the wav window at a time .. i still can't do this function..copy doesn't work.....paste doesn't work....what am i doing wrong here?.....thx....

Subject:RE: Drag and Drop Puzzles
Reply by: rraud
Date:9/13/2002 7:18:57 PM

Size the windows so you can see both files. Shirnk down file-A (keyboard down-arrow)so the greyed-out end is visible. Select and drag the waveform of file-B to the grey-end area of file-A. Done.

Subject:RE: Drag and Drop Puzzles
Reply by: MJhig
Date:9/13/2002 7:24:25 PM

Load file A >load file B > place cursor in file A where you want to paste file B to. Highlight file B by double or triple clicking in B's data window > right-click over it > copy > click file A's titlebar to bring focus > right-click > paste.


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